“Right now, I would writeyou a blank check and hand over the keys to my house, if you askedme to.” I was going to end up a sugar daddy if I wasn’tcareful.
There were worse things tobe.
“I hate to fuck and run,”she said, filling up another glass of water. “But I’m exhaustednow. Is it rude if I hang up to take a nap?”
Is it rude if I ask you tostay on and let me watch you sleep?Somethings were too creepy, even for me. “It’s perfectly fine. Get somerest. I’ll be in touch.”
“I know you will,” shesing-songed with a little smirk. “You’re weirdly good at tellingstories, by the way.”
“Thanks,” I said with ashrug. “I used to DM all the time in college.”
“Oh mygod.” She covered her face with her hands. “I didnotget Facetime dommedby a D and D nerd.”
“‘Fraid so.” I grinned ather. “Good night, Princess.”
We hung up and I immediately opened therecording I’d made and gripped my aching cock.
I didn’t get past “Once upon a time,”before I came.
I didn’t hear from Matt fortwo weeks, and even though we weren’t anything like dating, he’dstill been thoughtful enough to let me know that he would bedifficult to get ahold of while he moved back to New York andstarted to work again. Once, he sent me a text of the princessemoji. I sent him a dragon back and forced myself to be cool. Icould not sit around and wait for him to call or text, even when heconsumed like forty percent of my brain. If that shit started tosnowball, it could easily hit a hundred percent, and that wasn’twhat we were about.
Besides, I had my awesomejob to concentrate on. Bees and Buds had turned out to be a perfectfit for me, and the employee discount wasn’t bad, either. It was myafternoon off, so I was relaxing with the fruits of my labors withmy feet up on my coffee table, my glassy eyes fixed on an episodeofEuphoria, ahoney straw in my mouth and a dab pen in my hand.
“Package for you!” my momcalled cheerfully from the other side of the front door. I put downmy phone and went to let her in, finding her holding a box the sizeof a microwave.
“What the…” I took the boxfrom her and hoisted it onto my hip to examine thelabel.
Mr. MandNewYork, NYpopped out at me rightaway.
“Are you going to open it?”Mom asked, nosy as ever.
“I am,” I said, backingslowly inside with my hand on the door. “Alone.”
“Is it something I’m notsupposed to know about?” she asked, her teasing tone barelycovering her suspicion.
“I don’t know yet. I haven’topened it. It’s from a friend.” I kept the door on its forwardtravels. “Thanks for bringing it back here.”
She’d brought it to me because shewanted to know what was inside. I could guarantee that she wouldhave regretted her curiosity if I’d let her stickaround.
I cut the packing tape and opened thebox to find several items inside; the first one that caught my eyewas a boxed Hitachi Magic Wand, the second a friendly-looking plushdragon. I picked up the dragon and hugged it hard, squealing with ajoy that surprised me. It was such a silly thing, totallyimpractical and childish. But it came from Matt, from one of ourprivate little jokes. It was so thoughtful and sweet, how could Inot love it?
I put the dragon on my bedand went back to the box. Besides the Hitachi, he’d included anintensely realistic dildo, oddly shrink wrapped. Kind of cheap andweird for a sex toy to come in hassle-free packaging. My fingersbrushed an envelope, and I fished it out, eyeing the othermiscellaneous contents of the box.
There was a handwritten note inside, onpaper that felt more luxurious than any sheets I’d ever slept on,with a personalized letterhead. His handwriting was crisp and easyto read.
Please use the encloseditems to do as many wicked things to your body as you’d like.Except for the dragon, of course. He’s there for cuddles whenyou’re finished.
The dildo is custom made byan artist friend who specializes in life casts; I hope yourecognize it. If you don’t, that means we’ve spent too much timeapart.
My birthday is in a month.I’ve already decided on my gift. My assistant will send you flightinformation and further instruction.