“I guess that shows thatyou’ll never be truly happy. I pity you.” I glanced up at theservant who set my plate in front of me. “Thank you.”
“How long has it been sinceyou talked to Scott?” Mom asked, and I couldn’t help my wince. Shejabbed her cigarette in the air toward me. “Aha. I knew it. I knewyou’ve been isolating yourself.”
“I don’t think Scott wantsto talk to me.” That wasn’t entirely true. We hadn’t talked, butwe’d exchanged a few texts. Not with the frequency or volume weused to.
I’d been talking to his sister morethan I’d been talking to him.
“Things have been strainedsince I ruined his wedding,” I went on.
“You didn’t ruin hiswedding. His fiancée ruined his wedding.” Mom clucked her tongueand shook her head. “And a bear. The thought of endangering yourguests—”
I held up my hand to silence her.“Okay. This has gone on long enough. I have to comeclean.”
Mom’s head turned slightly,a clear sign she was ready for whatever my latest absurd bullshithad wrought.
“Scott is probably not madat me about the ruined wedding.” I took a deep breath. “He’sprobably very angry that I slept with his sister.”
“Matthew Leonard ElliottAshe!” She pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I know, I know.” I held upmy hands. “I’m terrible. I’m a terrible friend.”
“What is it with the men inthis family and their inability to keep their dicks in theirpants?” She stubbed out her cigarette. “Too angry to smoke” wasn’ta good sign, but it wasn’t like she could punish me, anymore. Shecertainly couldn’t ground me if she wanted me out of thehouse.
“Why would you do that?” shewent on. “Don’t answer. There won’t be a good one.”
I tried, anyway. “I liked her. I mean,I really, really liked her.”
“Oh good. Always nice tohear that my son isn’t out there fucking strange women he’s onlylukewarm about,” she muttered under her breath.
“I shouldn’t have done it.And I’m being cowardly by not owning up to that to Scott.” When Iheard it aloud, it sounded stupid. And selfish. I couldn’t coastoff “recovering from a bear attack” forever.
“Then call him, for god’ssake. Grow up.” Her tone softened. “I’m worried about you. I knowBrett hurt you more than you’re letting on. And I think you’reusing this bear incident as an excuse to keep from movingforward.”
“Being attacked by a bear isan excellent excuse for almost every situation,” Icountered.
“Call Scott. He’s been yourbest friend for twenty years. You did something hurtful. The leastyou could do is apologize.”
She was right. My mother was absolutelyright. But that didn’t stop me from being cowardly.
I would call Scott. But there wasanother call I would make, first.
* * * *
I’d just gotten out of the shower whenMatt called.
“I hate talking on thephone,” I reminded him, in lieu of a hello.
“And I hate not hearing yourvoice, so it seems we’re at an impasse, Mr. Bond.”
I was sure he could hear merolling my eyes over the phone.
“What do you want?” I asked,tossing my towel aside on the way to my dresser.
He ignored my question. “What are youwearing?”
“Stop being a pervert,” Iscolded him. “And if you must know, I’m naked.”