“Or you could stop gettingengaged,” Scott suggested. “You can date people for as long as youwant without the specter of marriage looming over you.”
“I know that. I don’t everseem to date people who know that.” Or who wanted to remainfaithful. Or would sign a prenup. Or didn’t lie about birthcontrol. Or wouldn’t care about my bisexuality. “I’m starting tothink I’m a unique case here. There might not be anyone out therefor me. The least I can do is make you and Laura happy.”
“Lauren. You know her nameis Lauren,” he replied with a beleaguered exhale.
I raised my hands in surrender. “I’msorry. It was a joke. Honestly, it was. You know how much I likeLaurel.”
“You want to start thisweekend off with a physical fight in the back of your fancy fuckingcar?” Scott warned. “Speaking of Lauren, I haven’t heard from herall morning. I expected at least a text or something—”
“They got in late lastnight,” I interrupted. “Her and her parents.”
“What about mine?” Scott’sknee bounced anxiously.
“They’re getting intonight.” I grinned at him. “It’s eating you up inside to sit backand let someone else handle things.”
“Yeah, it’s so foolish of meto double-check on arrangements made by a guy who once got so highhe forgot what day it was and thought Fourth of July fireworks werea terrorist attack.” Scott was never going to let that onego.
“Pardon me for being jumpyin the aughts.” Though I did owe him a debt of gratitude for notletting me call the cops and incriminate myself. “I would thinkthat building a hospitality empire would have absolved me of myyouthful indiscretions.”
“It’s my wedding,” Scottsaid apologetically.
“I know. And I know you wantit to be perfect. But trust me, Lauren had more of a hand inplanning any of this than I did. I just gave her the phone numbersand my credit card.” I hadn’t had time to do much more. I’d beenworking practically nonstop for the past fifteen years.
Maybe after the wedding, I’d take avacation. A real one, not a work trip I called a vacation because Iwent clubbing after meetings.
Scott looked a bit more at ease knowingthat I wasn’t behind any of the fine details.
Maybe I should have taken offense atthat.
“I’m looking forward tomeeting your family though. Finally,” I added, fluttering myeyelids. I affected a goofy, girly voice. “Are you ashamed of me?Is that why you never took me home to meet yourparents?”
“Yeah, I don’t generallytake people home to meet the parents. Mainly because I’m never athome with my parents. I don’t make it to the West Coast that often.Hell, you’ve probably been in California more often than I have inthe past ten years,” Scott said with a shrug. A flicker of sadnesscrossed his face. “The last time I saw them was thecruise.”
“Yikes.” That was unusualfor Scott. Though I wasn’t exactly close with my own family—exceptmy mother—, Scott talked about his parents and his little sisterlike he worshipped them.
“Do me a favor, though,”Scott began, wincing. “You don’t want to get involved with mysister—”
“Whoa, hold up. Do youreally think I’m going to try to fuck your little sister?” Thatwould be low, even for me.
“No, I was going to warn youabout her.” Scott half-groaned, half-laughed. “Look, she’s…kind offree-spirited.”
“You said she, directquote, ‘knew every passenger with an upside-down pineapple on theircabin door’ after that cruise.”
“Yeah, and not because sheliked fruit.”
“Oh, I think there wasprobably some eating of—”
“Don’t.” Scott held up awarning index finger. “What I’m saying is, you just got out of anengagement. I know what you’re like on the rebound. And she willdecimate your heart. She’s brutal.”
“I like that kind ofconfidence,” I needled him. “It’s sexy.”
“I know you’re fucking withme,” he prefaced his statement, “but I’m serious. She’s my sister.I love her, and I would bust anyone’s face in a heartbeat if theyhurt her. But it’s more likely you would get hurt.”
“Whatmakes you think I’m in grave danger here?” I demanded. “I feel likethis is a conversation that a person haswitha little sister, notaboutone.”
“Because you are exactly hertype. Older—”
“Watch it!”