“Unfortunately. And I’mplanning to bang every one of the bridesmaids.” I shouldn’t havemade that joke. Not when I’d just had sex with her. I added,“Except for the bear. Obviously.”

She snorted, and seemed totallyunbothered by the idea of me sleeping with someone else. And whywould she be bothered? Why would I want her to?

Because you’re stillheartbroken and you’re rebounding, and Scott is right.

“Well, I wish you luck withthe bridesmaids,” she said, nibbling her bottom lip.

Did she expect me to kiss her? She’davoided kissing me before. I certainly wasn’t going to tryagain.

“Anyway, thanks for thesmoke.” She gestured behind her with her thumb. “And theorgasms.”

“No trouble.” I reached intomy pocket and pulled out the baggie I’d brought with me. “Here. Incase we don’t get a chance to do this again. Smoke, I mean,” Iadded quickly.

“Thanks. That’s cool ofyou.” She tucked it into her back pocket. “Okay. Well. See you atthe breakfast thing.”

I took a few slow steps backward andraised my hand in a half-wave. “See ya.”

Then I turned and walked away. I walkedaway from a woman I would remember for the rest of mylife.

It’s a mistake!I yelled at myself, and I wasn’t sure if I meantdoing what I was about to do or not doing what I was about to do.But it didn’t matter, because I did it.


What the hell are youdoing?

She turned, saying nothing but archingan eyebrow in question.

“We’reboth here all weekend. Do you want to… keep thisgoing?”This is exactly what Scottwarned you about.I didn’t care. So whatif she left a trail of sexual conquests and broken hearts in herwake?

“Like, see each other againwhile I’m here?” She tilted her head. “Do you think we can keep ita secret, though?” she asked, and that wasn’t a no.

“I thought getting caughtwas part of the fun.” I knew she probably didn’t mean gettingcaught by her family and ruining her brother’s wedding. “Trust me,I don’t want Scott to know about this as much as you don’t want himto know about this.”

She looked away, laughed breathily, andshook her head. “I can’t believe I did this.”

That wasn’t a great sign.

But then she looked back and said,“Sure. Why not?”

“Well, that soundsenthusiastic.” I tried to laugh it off, but it sounded unconvincingto my ears.

“I didn’t want to encourageyou.” But for someone who didn’t want to encourage me, she stoodvery close. “I think this is going to be a lot of fun.”

“I agree.” I put my hand outto shake hers, the way she’d done on the roof, and she took it. Wegrinned at each other. “So,” I asked, my mind already a blur ofideas. “What do you want to do next?”

“Go back to my room? Getsome sleep before the boring get-to-know-everybody breakfast?” shesaid with a puzzled frown.

“Afterthat. I mean, what we did was fun. But is there anything you’vealways wanted to do?” I paused. “Within reason. There’s some stuffeven I couldn’t pull off in four daysandbe in a wedding.”

She laughed incredulously. “Okay.Yeah.”

“I’m not kidding.” I wantedbadly to impress her. In a strangely competitive way. It was sojuvenile. And a hell of a lot of fun. “Name a fantasy. I can makeit happen by tomorrow night.”

“I know, you’re superrich.”She rolled her eyes.

I caught her hand in mine and squeezedit. “I’m serious. I’m offering you the chance to fulfill one ofyour wildest fantasies.”

“Wildestfantasy,withinreason.” Her tongue darted across herlower lip. “I want to get caught. And I want the man who catches usto join in.”