Don’t you worry about that. I’m an A star student. X
Thank you again for tonight. X
I grinned into the darkness, dropping my phone on the floor as I lay there. I closed my eyes, opened them, then closed them again. Sleep was going to be impossible when all I could think about was Kate two buildings over from me across the Downing quadrangle. I was right. She was made for me. It had taken all my strength to leave her on the steps, when my body screamed and my dick ached for me to follow her.
I’d never wanted to do anything more, or the right thing less.
I wanted to bury myself so deep inside her that I wouldn’t have known where I ended and she began. I wanted to claim her heart and her mind, like she had claimed mine.
Picking up my phone again, I scrolled through Google until I found what I was looking for: the recipe for the perfect pumpkin pie. If Kate was missing out on Thanksgiving, then I would bring it to her, except I would need a little assistance.
I sent the recipe to Charlie.
Charles, I need to commandeer your culinary skills. Can you help me make this please?
You mean you want me to make it?
No. I want to make it, but I need your help
Does not compute