Page 123 of The Third Baseman

I didn’t think this had anything to do with my caffeine consumption either. Before I gave myself any time to ponder it, I snatched up my phone and earbuds, and walked out.

I needed air.

Fifteen minutes later, I found myself along the boardwalk; on one side of me were the canoes setting up for the game tonight, and on the other, Jupiter was staring at me. Or rather his poster was. The one I’d seen on my first day.

Who knew six weeks could feel like a lifetime?

I uncrossed my legs, then crossed them again, settling back into the bench opposite.

Fans, tourists, passers-by; they were all out in full force; every other person wearing a black and gold shirt. It was busier than usual. Since the boys had settled into the season and were playing well, Penn had opened up practice times. Tickets were on a first-come, first-serve basis, so for the last week, there’d been lines forming from eight a.m.

There were a few guys in front of Jupiter’s poster today, but they were soon pushed out of the way by another posse of girls.

It was never going to change.

Everywhere Jupiter was the girls would follow, desperate for any breadcrumbs he left them. And while in school it might have been his winning smile they dropped their panties for, even I could attest to the tattoos as a verified vagina magnet.

I chuckled to myself. He might have become an asshole to build a blockade, but all he’d done was create a challenge.

He looked so dangerous, and every single female wanted to be the first to tame him.

I almost felt sorry for them, because they’d be waiting a while.

And I knew all about waiting for Jupiter Reeves.

Waiting brought me here; to New York; to this bench.

And I still hadn’t been ready.

I should have known it was inevitable the second I’d discovered he was at The Lions. I should have protected myself better, but it hit me before I’d had a chance. It took hold of me, just like he had.

I was in love with Jupiter Reeves, again, for real. And he loved me back.

But it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why I didn’t feel good about it – or why I hadn’t been sleeping.

Because when I’d broached the subject of our breakup again, he brushed it off just like he’d done before.

Because what if I opened my eyes and he wasn’t there? Just like last time.

Because when I closed my eyes I was sixteen again, my heart bleeding and beaten.

And blindsided.

I didn’t see it coming the first time, but the second… that I needed to prepare for.



Fourteen years ago – June

If Emerson was trying to win the Biggest Pain in My Ass award, she was running a good campaign. It was becoming harder to concentrate on Marnie’s pillowy lipswrapped round my cock when Emerson’s shrill voice was shouting up at me from the yard.

Not ideal at all…

Even when Marnie did that thing with her tongue – the one I swear sent a memo straight to my balls telling them to get ready for explosion – I could only picture Emerson, which made it all too fucking weird.

The message wasn’t getting through; connection lost.