Penn rocked back on his heels, those biceps crossed over his chest. “I know, I know… so, Buck, lemme ask you. Who would you want to see at The Lions, if you could have anyone?”
Buck glanced at Penn, eyes wide while he stroked his heavy moustache. “Oooh that’s a tough one. What we talkin’ about? Starting nine, twenty-six or forty?”
Penn laughed loudly; he’d finally found a kindred spirit. “Let’s start with nine.”
Buck didn’t miss a beat. “Reeves without a doubt, then The Dodgers pitcher…”
“Ace Watson?”
“Yep, him. Lawson Kay down at The Astros…”
It could have just been the two of them against the world with the way Penn looked at him, eyes wide. “Fuck, yes! I totally forgot all about Kay! Yes! Second baseman…”
“Exactly! He’s been out a bit this season, but he’s incredible for someone so young.”
“What about anyone from the current team? Anyone you’d keep?”
Buck looked around, like he was afraid he might be overheard and didn’t want to offend anyone, or he was about to divulge trade secrets. “I like Jones. I also like Parker King, and there’s a couple of kids that were new this season who haven’t had much of a run. But I saw them at spring training and they were decent…” he dropped his head. “I dunno, it’s been a hard season. Hard when we had Lieberman as manager, harder now we don’t have a manager. There’s no direction on the field, man. It hurts me deep in my heart that there’s no love for this team, either from the front office or from the League. We shouldn’t get treated like this. It’s clear Maypole doesn’t give a shit either.”
Penn was silent for a moment, then reached over and squeezed Buck’s shoulder. “I know, man, I know. I think things will look up very soon however, I can feel it.”
I tried to get a glimpse at Buck, because if I didn’t know better I’d swear he was teary.
“Yeah, hope so,” he sniffed.
“Say, what are your thoughts on August Chase?”
“From The Yankees? The bench coach?”
Penn nodded. “I reckon he’d make a great manager here. He’s not going anywhere with them, and he was an awesome player. He’s got the perfect experience.”
Buck scoffed. “Pipe dream, man. Everyone’s head is too far up their ass here. Can’t see them paying Yankees’ dollars either. Our operating income is a fifth of theirs.”
Penn was silent for a second. “Have you ever been to see Jungle Kings?”
“The Farm team in White Plains?”
“A couple of times. Used to go all the time as a kid, but not for a while. I see them during spring training mostly. Hard getting back up to New York regularly.”
“I’m going to head up there before the season is over, if you’re up here.”
“Sounds good!”
Penn smiled. “Any time. I also know a guy who can get us into watch the practice this morning. You wanna come see?”
Buck’s neck craned back, his eyes bugging again. “Whoa, Chet, you serious, man? We can watch them this morning? You can get us in?”
For a second I forgot who Chet was until Penn looked at his watch. “Yeah, they begin at eleven. We can sneak into the stands. See if we can build on our dream team.”
“You boys, are you paying any attention to what Mike is telling us?” hissed Shelley from my left, who’d been really trying to pay attention to what the guide - Mike - had been saying. Though I think she was more interested in the history of King George.
“Ah, hun, Chet said he can get us into watch the practice; You mind if I go? You wanna come?”