Page 74 of Dangerous Rhythm

“So you’ve been together for four years?” Russel, Lina’s dad, asked, trying to decipher Lina’s vague story of how they’d met.

“No,” Lina said. “We met four years ago. We were not dating.”

“But we’re together now,” Curtis added.

Lina stepped on his foot. He had to bite his lip to stop himself from yowling.

“That hurts, honey pot,” Curtis hissed under his breath.

“Stop getting them excited, honey badger,” she hissed back sarcastically.

“I’m just telling them the truth.” He grabbed her hand under the table.

Smiling back at the family, whose eyes were all trained on them, Curtis said, “Honestly, it’s pretty new. I’m still trying to convince Lina we should be together.”

“What’s holding you back, sweetheart?” Agnes asked Lina. “He’s cute, tall, and absolutely delightful.”

Curtis turned his smile to Lina, who was giving him the stink-eye now. He was enjoying this too much.

“Lina has always had high expectations.” Daniel eyed Curtis with narrowed eyes. “You’re not marriage material, are you, Curtis? You look like a player.”

This time Lina gave him a smirk, challenging Curtis to answer that question.

Curtis appreciated Daniel’s candor. He took no offense. Besides, Lina had warned him about her family.

“It’s the new year, Daniel,” Curtis said calmly. “I feel change is in the air.”

He saw Ed nodding across the table from him. The boisterous uncle had been happily quiet, and only quipped once in a while, letting Lina’s immediate family lead the interrogation.

“Where is your family from, Curtis?” Russel continued with a more appropriate question.

“I grew up outside of Princeton,” Curtis answered. “Though my mom was born in Shanghai. Her family came to the U.S. when she was a little girl.”

The parents nodded approvingly.

“And what do you do?” Agnes asked. “You make a good living, yes?”

“Mama,” Lina chided her mother.

“I just want to know if he can provide for a family,” Agnes defended herself.

“I make a good living,” Lina said. “I don’t need a man to provide for me.”

“Not just for you, but for your children.” Agnes looked at Curtis. “You do want children, don’t you?”

“Oh my god,” Lina threw her hands up in the air as if she gave up.

Curtis was tickled by the questions. Agnes reminded him of Brandon’s mom, who would say things that embarrassed her children. Not purposely, of course. But Curtis found thesequestions caring. His parents were sticklers for propriety. He wished they’d been more like the Rossis or the Cheungs.

Well, I found them in a very inappropriate situation. So maybe they’ve changed, too.

“Honestly, I haven’t thought about it,” Curtis said to Agnes. “But I really enjoy playing with my niece. So who knows?”

The questions kept coming as the food kept filling the table. Curtis was loving every bit of everything. Even when Daniel had challenged him to try some chicken feet in bean sauce, he’d fought his gag reflex and had one. It wasn’t bad, taste-wise, just odd.

“Your family’s fun,” Curtis whispered to Lina after he successfully fielded another question.

Lina scoffed. “I think I know what you’re doing.”