Cesca is not the only new arrival. Just eight of the twenty or so conscripts have made it through to begin their training. They are new faces around the dining hall, some looking around nervously, some trying to project confidence and strength. Oneyoung man, larger than most of the others and heavily bearded, stalks over to me.
“I’ve heard of you too, and I don't think you're anything special,” he says. He towers over me, broad-shouldered and muscular. He's too close to me.
“And your name is?” I ask.
“They call me Arctus,” he says. “But I think a little thing like you should be more polite than that. How about you move aside and let me have that seat?”
I realize what he's doing. He’s trying to pick a fight. He’s trying to show how tough he is so that he won’t be bullied by everyone else. My guess is that he’s scared, and he’s taking that out on me. It’s almost enough to make me move aside.
“Or better yet, how about you come sit on my lap, make me welcome?” he says.
Another figure walks up. She is dark-haired and possibly the loveliest woman in the room, wearing a red dress that falls from her shoulder to reveal her gladiator's mark. Her dark eyes look over Arctus with contempt.
“Or how aboutyougo away and stop bothering us?” Ravenna says.LadyRavenna, since she is one of the nobles within Ironhold. "You aren't even good-looking enough to be worth commanding for long."
Arctus snarls and moves towards her, obviously deciding that he can fight her as easily as me. Somewhere in the middle of the movement, a look of absolute terror crosses his face. He turns, running from the dining hall, not even looking back. Ravenna's power is over the minds of those around her. Occasionally she reminds us just what a frightening power that is.
“Thank you,” I say.
She shrugs casually. “What are friends for? Besides, he was scared anyway. He was lashing out because he thought it would make him less afraid.”
She says it in a matter of fact tones of someone who was able to look into Arctus’ mind directly. It’s another reminder of just how powerful she is.
“I'm surprised you're down here in the dining hall,” Zara says, from where she's sitting nearby. “I thought you got your meals brought up to you by adoring servants.”
“Sometimes,” Ravenna says. “And they areveryadoring. But sometimes it's also nice to come down and see who the new people are. Plus, I get to talk to all of you.”
I still find it strange that Ravenna wants to be friends with me. That she takes any interest in the conscripted gladiators. She is noble, and she is powerful. She is obviously friends with Vex, Alaric, and the other free gladiators. She has no reason to spend time around me. And yet she does.
“Talking of dining in the fineries of my noble quarters,” Ravenna says. “Lyra, in a few days I will be holding a little… soiree for a few friends. I would love it if you could join us.”
“Me?” I say. I look around at the others there. “Justme?”
“For this one,” Ravenna says. “I like to introduce people individually to different groups of friends.”
“I’m… not sure,” I say.
Ravenna puts a hand on my arm. “It’s nothing sinister, Lyra. I promise. And I think you might enjoy it. Please?”
The strangest thing is that she doesn’t push at me with her powers. It would be so easy for her to manipulate me and force me to say yes, but instead she holds back. From her, that's a considerable mark of respect and friendship. Normally she uses her powers on people as easily as breathing, and with as little thought. That effort is enough to make me nod.
“All right,” I say. I try to deflect her attention a little. “Have you met the newcomers yet?”
Ravenna shakes her head. “But that's part of why I'm here. To see if anybody is interesting.”
She joins us, talking casually, as if half the eyes in the room aren't on her. I know she's aware of it. I know she likes it because she feels it gives her influence. Cesca is currently staring into her eyes like a moth drawn to a flame.
“Hmm, perhaps,” Ravenna says.
I worry about whatever web Ravenna is drawing the newcomer into, but I also know that she's a potentially powerful ally, who could also help the new gladiators. Her help might be the difference between survival and failure here for them.
Even as I'm hesitating one of the trainers comes in. “Lyra, you have a visitor. Quickly now.”
I have no time to spend now trying to disentangle the new gladiators from Ravenna's influence. And maybe it's better that they fall in with her than with one of the other nobles, or find themselves bullied by the stronger gladiators. I must go with the trainer, heading for a room higher up in the fortress. The kind of room that a noble would enjoy, although this one is largely bare. The trainer leaves me at the door. I'm surprised he's escorted me this far. It says a lot about the power and influence of the person within.
I know who it will be before I enter. Lady Elara Moonshadow is waiting for me patiently, seated on an elegantly carved wooden chair that is only one step away from being a throne. She is in her forties, with dark hair bound up atop her head with a golden comb. Her features are sharp and striking, her eyes perceptive and intelligent as she waits for the door to close behind me. I must stand before her like a servant before a ruler.
“Lyra, there you are. Are you ready for your first lesson?”