Page 50 of Secondhand Garagyre

But.Lettinggo is hard, even for those in the afterlife.


So, hand in hand, they turn and walk into the brilliance of the setting sun.

Theirascension only marked with the stirring of a gentle breeze.

Bonus Epilogue


“Okay, the twins are finally asleep.EverytimeIhadPaidragon the verge of sleep,Ilayahanwould wake up and start fussing.”Imutter, dropping into my mate’s lap, the curve of my ass tucked neatly againstLaithog’spelvis, enjoying the way his tail immediately wraps around my slightly thicker waist.

He’salways so comfy, far superior to a chair.

Laithogputs down his book and begins massaging my neck before moving his calloused hands down to my shoulders, making me moan in pleasure as the tension slowly fades from my body because of his tender ministrations.Lookingaround forMerryandPippin,Isee them passed out in front of the fire crackling in the hearth.Merryis upside down with all four feet in air andPippin, is hanging half off their sleeping cushion with his head on the floor.

Chuckling,Ishake my head.Somethings haven’t changed, and for that,I’meternally grateful.

Acclimatingto our new home has been a process andI’mstill not quite up to speed on some things.Suchas how much effort it takes for what was once a simple task…

Stupidbutter churn.

Modernconveniences have made humans complacent.

Farmore thanIthought.

Dismissingmy intrusive thoughts about my new household chores,Isink into the comforting warmth of my mate and focus on something that’s been bothering since me since my final post birth check up with the village healer.

It’sbeen two months sinceIgave birth to our miracle twins…and my mate hasn’t touched me since a month or two beforeIgave birth.Igot so big there at the end it wasn’t comfortable to doanything,let alone have sex.Carryinghuman twins is taxing enough, but half-garagyre babies were much larger than a full human baby.

Ican’t say thatI’mnot getting a bit worried about the fact thatLaithoghasn’t even tried to initiate sex recently.Thevillage healer told both of us at thatIhealed completely from the birth and could beginrelationsagain.

Laithogwas there.Heheard the healer.


Andthat was almost three weeks ago.

IknowLaithogloves me, but good old human insecurities are starting to raise their ugly head.Mybody isn’t the same, my belly isn’t as flat, my waist is thicker, boobs are larger with a bit of sagto them from breastfeeding, and my ass is almost freakish in the way it’s grown.

Iwas curvy before my pregnancy…nowI’mwhat the human men would call “thiccc” with three “c’s.”

Sturdyis an understatement when describing my post pregnancy body.

Laithog’sdeep voice pulls me from my inner reflections as he leans forward and adjusts me in his lap, turning me sideways so my legs drape over the side of the chair and tucks my shoulder into the warm comfort of his chest. “Littleflame, you smell worried andIcan feel how unsettled you are.Tellme, what is wrong soImay fix it?”

Lovewells deep within me, and his face softens as my emotions flow across our bond.That’smyLaithog, always thinking of me and how he can “make it better.”Takinga deep breath,Irip the band aid off.


Ispit the words out so fast, it’s more reminiscent of word vomit than an actual question.Laithog’shead jerks back, as ifI’veslapped him before a thunderous frown takes the place of his perplexed expression as my question registers. “YouthinkIdo not want to rut you?”Hislow rumbled words tell me heis notpleased with whatIjust said.

“Well.Imean.WhatamIsupposed to think?Iknow how high your sex drive is and you haven’t attempted to touch me in the last three weeks sinceSeydiasaid it was okay for us to resume having sex.Ontop of that, having the twins made my body different from what it was before andI’mafraid you’renot attracted to me anymore…” my words trail off asIfeel his emotions swell.

