Page 45 of Secondhand Garagyre

Determinationthat doesn’t belong to me.

“PAISLEY,GODSDAMMIT!”Ithunder, while dodging a spear aimed at my gut.Flickingmy wrist,IswingBaldraround,severing the spear handle before catching the end with the spearhead attached, flipping it around and stabbing the demon through the eye with it.Killingit with its own weapon.

“Don’tyou take that tone with me,Laithog.I’minside the wards and you need the help.Soshut up and let me concentrate!” she shouts back as another crack fills the night air and the last demon capable of flight falls from the sky before turning to ash.

Nightgods,Ilove her.

Divingtowards the ground,Iland with a boom, my knees bent to absorb the impact of my landing.Straighteningslowly,Iraise my head and smile at the few remaining demons,Baldrstill clenched in my right hand, the black blade dripping ichor onto the cold ground.

Chargingforward with a roar,Ilaunch a last attack.Demonsstart darting in random directions trying to avoid my blade and the projectilesPaisleyis firing at them.Mylittle flame andIwill be having a discussion with said discussion being held with her bare arse draped over my lap awaiting the shock of my hand cracking against her flesh.

Yelps, curses, and squeals of dying demons sound all around me.Theycan’t get toPaisleyto stop her projectiles without killing me, and they’re having so such luck in that endeavor.NotthatI’mescaping unscathed.Thereare just too many of them to keep my guard up on all sides.

I’mcovered in wounds, and my wings are tattered in several places.Theworst, however, is a series of puncture wounds low on my side where a particularly crafty demon wielding a trident impaled me beforeIripped his head from his body, taking his spine with it.

Withmy mate’s help, it doesn’t take long before the last demon falls.Stumblinga bit,Istick the tip ofBaldrin the ground and lean on him.Panting,Ilook up into the golden-brown depths of my mate’s eyes and wink.Paisleyrolls her eyes at me in exasperation.

Duringthe course of the battle,Imoved almost to the edge of the warded boundary.Smilingat her in reassurance,Istand and start to take the last step across the boundary and pause in confusion when her face pales.Sheraises the odd-looking black stick in her hands and points it in my direction, screaming at me to move.

Blazing, white hot pain punches into me asIlook down and see the tip of a halberd sticking out of my chest.Istumble as the blade is yanked from my body with a wet, sucking sound.Paisleysteps to the side, her face a mask of murderous rage as fire explodes from the tip of her black stick.


Thismust be a type ofgun.

Lookingover my shoulder asIfall to my knees.IseeRulzik’sblack body jerk asbulletafterbullethits him.Helooks almost like a marionette as his limbs flail this way and that way.Hishalberd falls from nerveless fingers, thudding to the ground beside him.

Swaying,Ifall to the ground face first, losing consciousness just asIfeelBaldrgently pulled from my grasp.

Chapter Forty-Six


Therecoilof my rifle keeps me centered andI’mfilled with satisfaction with each bullet’s impact intoRulziksloathsome body.Thelook of surprise on his face is gratifying.Hedidn’t expect me to do anything, let alone attack him.


Heobviously doesn’t know me that well.Whatlackluster stalking skills.Laithogis much better at it thanRulzikis, and he was a fucking statue for the first six months he knew me.

Idon’t know how many bullets it takes to incapacitate a demon, butIknow how manyI’mgoing to use.

Allof them.

So,Iempty a full twenty rounds intoRulzik.I’djust put a fresh magazine in whenLaithogdispatched the last demon, soIdon’t stop aiming and pulling the trigger untilIhear it click.

“Youpathetic little bitch, you think bullets are going to kill me?”Rulzikwheezes out, his mutilated body oozing ichor, making itlook like an eldritch horror as he takes a staggering step towards me.

Shootinga quick look over,IseeLaithog’sfallen face first to the ground, and he’s not moving.I’mtoo scared to check our soulbond.He’snot dead becauseI’mnot dead, but we just found each other andI’llbe damned if this piece of shit takes that away from either of us.

Notafter everything he’s done.

MurderingPatrickand robbingLaithogofIlayahanare only two transgressions in the eons this vile piece of shit has been alive.Ihave to keep my composure until the threat to us is neutralized.

Ordie trying.

Laithog’sbody collapsed half across the warded barrier.IfRulzikgets any closer, he can grabLaithogand finish what he started with that spear thing.Pushingthe magazine release,Idrop the empty mag, grab my last full one and pop it into the mag well, and pull the charging handle back, racking another round in the chamber.

“Nope.Isure don’t, butIbet it hurts like a bitch.”Aimingat center mass, asIlook through the thermal scope,Istart shooting like my life depends on it.