Assessingthe situation,Imake a swift decision.Rulzikdoesn’t have any patience and he won’t wait on me much longer. “Littleflame, they have us vastly outnumbered.Theonly advantageIhave is that they do not knowI’mfar stronger than ever before because of drinking from you.Theycannot touch yourtruck,but that doesn’t mean they cannot use a weapon of some sort to force you to leave its safety.Thewards prevent them and their magick from infiltrating it, nothing else.It’snot impervious tobulletsorexplosions.”
Thecolor drains from her face as she listens to me speak.
“Iam going to make a hole, and you need to get across the creek.Youwill be safe from anything present if you can get past the ward boundary.”
Themulish expression on her face tells me exactly what she’s thinking.Releasinga sharp bark, the sound makes her snap her mouth closed, halting whatever imprudent words she was about to speak. “Youwill do asIsay, as you do not understand thescope of what is waiting for us.Thereare worse things than death,Paisley.”
Mywords are harsh, but she needs to hear them. “Now.Nodthat you understand me.Rulzikhas motioned for several of his minions to begin their assault, and we cannot loiter any longer.”
Hernod of understanding is short and sharp as a flare of outrage flickers across the bond.Icare not if she’s offended.Iwill make it up to her later.Takinga brief moment,Igaze upon her precious face beforeIjerk the door open and slide out, dropping my glamour as my feet touch the hard packed soil on the dirt road.Shuttingthe door firmly behind me,Istep out away from thevehicle, making surePaisleycan see me so she has no excuse not to follow my order.
“Well, well.Hownice of you to finally join us,Laithog.”Rulzik’soily words grate across my ears, the sound harsh and disjointed.
Bowingslightly,Irespond. “HowcouldIdecline such an invitation?”
Atrace of insecurity fills me.Paisleyis under the impression that the formIcurrently present to the world is the only oneIhave.
Thisis not so.
SteppingtowardsRulzik, and without looking at my mate,Iallow my battle form to surge forth asImove towards him in a steady, methodical manner.Mybody thickens to almost twice my normal size.Igrow another a foot in height.Razorsharp spikes burst from my forearms, shoulders, spine, elbows, hocks, and the tip of my tail.
Asecond set of horns erupts from my forehead, curling over the top of my skull.Theclaws extending from my fingertips doublein length and are as hard as diamonds.Blackscales emerge from underneath my purple hide, covering my entire body in an almost impenetrable hide, the shining black plates longer relegated to the lower ends of my extremities.
Rulzikno longer looks so smug.Iam now slightly larger than he is.
Smirking,Iextend my right hand and summon my sword.“Baldr,DaemonisCarnifex.Veniad me.”
Darkpurple fire shrouds my arm, andIfeel the familiar weight ofBaldras he solidifies in my determined grasp.Roaring,IraiseBaldrup, the midnight black blade naught but a shadow whistling through the night air, and grasp the comforting weight of the pommel in my palms asIleap towards a fleeingRulzik.
Chapter Forty-Four
Ihad no ideaLaithoghad another form!
Ifhe was intimidating before, he’s truly daunting now.He’sgot to be at least a foot taller, and twice as broad.Notto mention he’s not purple anymore!Hisentire body is covered in black scales and deadly looking spikes.Thenthere’s the sword.It’sgot to be at least six or seven feet long and the blade is…black.I’venever seen a sword with a black blade before.Fromthe littleIcan see from whereI’msitting, the cross guard and pommel that make up the hilt look to be silver and a lighter shade of purple.
Lavendar, maybe?
Wherein the fuck did he get a sword from?!
Ididn’t even know he had a sword!
Withoutwarning,Laithog’scolossal body springs forward, his wings spread wide as he brandishes his sword, gripping the handle in both hands.Thishas to be my cue.Laithogtold mehe was going to make me a hole.He’sliterally making a path for me…and using his body to do so.
Jerkingthe shifter into drive,Islam my foot down on the gas so abruptly the back tires spin, making the truck fishtail a bit asIrocket towards the house and the safe havenLaithogcreated for me.I’mnot worried about runningLaithogover.He’smoving so fast he’s almost a blur as he ducks, dives, weaves, and dances in and out of the attacking horde of demons.
There’sso many of them.
Justas my truck crosses the dry creek bed, an explosion blast right behind me.Thereds, yellows, and oranges from the flames illuminate the night and a demon holding a fuckingrocket launcher.
Laithogsaid they would try to get me out of the truck.
Hurryingtowards the house,Iglance up into the rearview mirror and watch asLaithogbeheads the demon that shot at me, it’s body crumpling before disintegrating into nothing.Pressingdown on the gas,Igun it toward the house.Imay not be able to leave the safety of the wards, butI’mdamn well not going to sit here and do nothing.
Slidingto a stop in front of the house,Ijump out of the truck, and quickly unloadMerryandPippin.Carryingthem simultaneously with an arm wrapped under their front legs and around their chest, their little drumstick legs dangling in the air,Isprint through the yard gate, kicking it closed behind me.