Page 40 of Secondhand Garagyre

Mydiscreet question makes his shoulders sag almost imperceptibly.

Inclininghis head towards me, like he’s sharing a secret in my ear, he replies in a low voice. “Weare being watched by at least four demons.Rulzikhas been very busy indeed.They’vebeen testing the wards at home since shortly after our run in withRulzik.Theywill not do anything with so many humans present, asI’vetold you, but when we get up to leave, and you are no longer in contact with your conveyance, you will be vulnerable.Thatis what they are waiting for.”

Irritationwars with fear.Whydidn’t he tell me the wards were being tested?!

“Littleflame, do not be cross with me.Idid not want your season’s celebration to be dampened any further that it already is.Thisis not somethingIintended to hide from you.I…just wanted you to have some peace and joy instead of more stress and sadness.”

Hislow, somewhat remorseful words cool my ire instantly. “Ihave performed a sunlight spell.”

Atmy quizzical look, he continues explaining. “Ihave essentially created a flash of sunlight that will blast across the crowd present when the tree is lit.Itwill buy us some time to get you and the vexations within the confines of thevehicle.IfIam lucky, it will temporarily blind some of them…”

Myattention sharpens as his words trail off.Likehe is hesitant to say something.Elbowinghim gently in the side,Iprompt him to finish. “Okay, what else?Iknow there is something you didn’t say.”

Glancingup,Inote thatMayorHawkinsis almost at the end of his speech.Wedon’t have much time before the lights come on.

“Iused too much magick to create the sunlight and me being at less than full strength is not something either of us can afford.”

Realizationdawns on me.Heneeds to drink.Righthere.Rightnow.


“Okay, okay, okay.Shit.Uhm.Iunderstand.MayorHawkinsis at the tail end of his speech, so we have about two minutes toget this done.Wheredo you want to feed from?Mywrist or my neck?”

Chucklingsoftly, he says. “Ithink your wrist would be the safer of the two.Ido not think you would let me rut you in public.”

“No!I.Will.Not.Letyourutmeinpublic!”Iwhisper yell.

Extendingmy right wrist to him,Ifeel a small ripple in the surrounding air. “I’vesemi cloaked us.Otherscan still see us, but the details will be blurry.”Arethe wordsIhear right before his teeth sink deep into my wrist.

Chapter Forty-One



That’sthe only wordIhave to describe how deliciousPaisley’sblood is.Unfortunately,Ido not have time to linger, nor canIallow my mating venom to leak at all.Garagyre, as a rule, do not have an issue with public fornication, but my little human mate is not as lax.WhichIwill respect, even if the thought of rutting her in front of others makes my prick hard.

Paisleyis softly panting next to me.Justthe feel of me drinking now is enough to deeply arouse her.Thetime we have spent together, while not long, has been enough for me to train her delicious little body to respond to me in a variety of ways.Glancingaround,Imake sure that no one is paying us any attention.

Icannot leave my mate wanting.

Takinganother hard pull on her wrist causes her to emit a soft whimper asIswallow.Idon’t need much more sinceIdiscovered that drinking from her regularly satisfies my thirst faster and powers me more than any otherIhave ever drunkfrom, includingIlayahan.Itmust be because she is human, with direct access to the sunlight.

Sunlightis what powers everything on this plane, so the blood fueling my magick is directly impacted by the sun, making it far more potent than a nocturnalGaragyre’smagick that is powered by the softer light of the moon.Ofwhich a full moon provides the most power, but that only happens once a month, not daily.

Lickingacross the puncture wounds on her wrist,Iseal them asIswallow a last mouthful of blood.Lookingup,IseePaisley’sface is flushed and her eyes are heavy lidded with desire.Flickinga tiny amount of magick out into the surrounding air,Iblur our images a bit more.Mymate does not wish to be watched, so watched she will not. “Stayquiet unless you wish the ones around us to know whatIam about to do.”

Anadorable little moan is my only response along with the widening of her lush thighs.Whata good mate, making room for me to tend to her.Scanningthe area,Isee that the little hairy man is bowing.


IfItime this right, my mate can reach fulfillment as the tree bathes the crow with light and since we are both in full contact with the conveyance, there is no worry of a demon sneaking up on either of us.

Withthat thought in mind,Islide my hand betweenPaisley’slegs and use my claws to cut a slit in the crotch of her blue trousers, creating a convenient avenue for my tail.Maneuveringthe bulk of my body so that she is seated in front of me, almost in my lap, the size of my massive thighs boxing her in,IblockPaisley’sbody from the two vexations behind me, using my wings to keep them from intruding.

Iignore the low grumbles from behind me and hiss halfheartedly in their direction.Thecrowd before us has its attention trained on the tree and the little hairy man holding some sort of box in his hands.Peeringright and left,I’mgratified to realize the raised sides of the conveyance keep her privacy hidden on either side.

Usingone hand to collar her delicate throat,Iapply gentle pressure while the other arm bands around her soft belly to hold her steady.Ourimages are blurred but if a human were to look closely, they would see her beautiful cunt on display.