Thedisgusted curl of my lip incites her laughter once again.Asher fit of hilarity continues, she wipes tears of mirth from her eyes.
Grumblingat the indignity of it all,Iroll my eyes and gain my feet, moving out from between thecoffee tableand thecouch.Usingmy tail,Ismack her delightfully full ass asIwalk by, calling to the dignity-less pair of fluffy beasts asIgo. “Merry,Pippin.Come.Ourhuman has assured me that this evening’s festivities aren’t to be missed.Perhapswe can convince her to acquire you…sweaterswithout your foe on them once we are done with this burning of the tree.”
Inmy haste to get out the door,Imiss my mates’ smile at hearing me call her “our human.”
Chapter Thirty-Eight
“Oh,good!Wegot here early enough to get a good spot!Wecan lower the tailgate and sit on it.Thatway, we don’t have to fight the crowd!”Icheer asIguide my vehicle into a parking spot.
Ican’t say thatI’mnot a little apprehensive about running intoRulzik, butLaithoghas assured me he won’t risk a confrontation with so many human witnesses around.So, we should be safe enough as long as we are in a crowd or on my property.
Travelingto and from town, however, is a problem.Laithoghasn’t just been looking around in curiosity on our trips back and forth from town.He’sbeen surveying the terrain to ascertain where an ambush might most likely occur at.It’sa marked difference between how our minds work and how we grew up.Therural county roads are a perfect place for an ambush, or that’s whatLaithogsaid on our way to town this evening.
Thankfully, my parents live in town and don’t have to drive anywhere as rural asIdo.
WhatifRulzikgoes after my parents?!HowcouldIhave been so stupid and selfish?!
Laithogmust feel my alarm because he looks over, concern on his glamoured face as he asks, “Paisley, what is wrong?Ican feel your apprehension and terror.”
Puttingthe truck in park,Iunbuckle my seatbelt, then reach over and frantically grab his hand. “WillRulzikgo after my parents?”
Hisslight hesitation tells me the answer before his words do. “Yes.Thatis something he is capable of.Hewould use them to lure you out from the protection of my wards and my sphere of bodily protection.Heis a demon and is not capable of love in the sense that we know it, so he would not care for you to have any attachments other than him.Ultimately, he would most likely kill your parents, even if you begged for their lives.”
Hemust feel my bone deep terror as my eyes begin to water because he quickly adds. “Butyou need not worry.Sinceyou have fed me regularly,Iwas able to perform tracking spell and located where your parents reside.Iset the wards on their home shortly after we returned home from our confrontation withRulzik.Iknew that you would want them protected, so after you fell asleep,Iflew to their home and warded it as well as theirvehicle.”
Laithog’sreassuring words erase my worry.Reachingup with my free hand,Icaress his delightfully textured jaw. “Thankyou.You’veno idea how much better that makes me feel.”
Leaningfurther into my touch, he smiles and looks at me.Hisgaze is full of tenderness. “Youforget, little flame.Ican feel your emotions.Iknowexactlyhow you feel, and you are mostwelcome.Itis no small thing to protect your loved ones.Iwant the opportunity to know your matriarch and patriarch.ThisIcannot do ifRulziktakes them from you as he robbed you of your brother.Ivow to the night gods that he will not deprive you of anyone or anything else you care for.”
Glancingout the driver’s side window, he peers around with overt curiosity before looking back at me. “Imust admit.Iam most curious about this ceremony you’ve told me of.Electricityis a marvel thatI’veyet to fully comprehend.”
Laughingquietly,Ireply. “Yes, it is a marvel, for sure.It’sdefinitely something we take for granted now,”Iadd softly.
Warmthgrows in my chest andIdon’t know if it’s coming from him or me.Laithogleans forward and down, eyes focused on my lips when the unexpected appearance of a furry little head, followed by a pink tongue licking him from chin to cheekbone, makes him jerk back abruptly, a sibilant hiss escaping him.Baringhis teeth atPippin, the tongue happy offender, his glamour flickers, ever so slightly, with the depth of his annoyance.
“Vexations!Ifmy mate did not love you,Iwould find a way to dispose of you both!” he snarls, wiping the dog saliva from his face with the back of his hand, an expression of intense disgust on his handsome faux human features.
Coveringmy mouth with both hands,Itry to hold my snickers back soIdon’t add insult to injury, forgetting for a brief moment that he canfeelmy humor at his expense.Snarling, he seizes both my hands with his invisible tail, pulling them down from my mouth as one of his huge hands grabs my braid while the other grips my throat.
Pullingme to him, part of my body draped across the console,Iabsently note thatIcan’t seeMerryofPippinin the back seat.Hemust have his wing blocking them from accessing the console.Thehand on my throat tightens, almost imperceptibly, and brings my full attention back to my disgruntled mate.Openingmy mouth,Istart to say something to sooth his ruffled feathers, but beforeIcan get a word out, his tongue invades my mouth, almost punishing in its intensity.Ahint of his mating purr rattles out of his throat, causing my body to go limp in submission.
Hisrumble of satisfactions fills the cab of the truck.Rippinghis mouth from mine, he stares down at me, irritation still stamped across his face asIpant for breath still held captive within his grasp.Hiscalloused hands are gentle, his strength tempered by the feelings he has for me.
“Itmust be said, my preciousPaisley.Ido not like yourdogs.”
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Unfoldingthe fluffy green comforterIbrought with us,IgetMerryandPippinsettled after their brief walk and then climb up on the tailgate, settling in before the festivities start.Lookingaround the square,Idon’t see my parents’ vehicle, but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.It’sfilling up fast and they may not of even left the house yet.
Laithogis still standing in front of the tailgate, looking at it with trepidation. “Youare sure this will hold our combined weight?Thethinness of the strands holding thistailgatedoes not look very sturdy.Iwould not want to sit and then cause it to break.Youcould be hurt.”
Alwaysso conscientious of me, is myLaithog.