There’s no telling from a bunch of dimly lit pictures.

“Hook hand is kinda macabre, and makes wiping your ass pretty tricky, but Davo would figure shit out.”

“Ha,” she says humorlessly, She’s shaking in my arms, and at first I think she’s crying, but it isn’t until she looks up at me that I realize I hit my mark. She’s actually laughing.

“Can’t really spank the monkey with a hook either.”

I grimace. “Thanks for the visual, baby.”

Now she’s smiling though her eyes are still bright, like she’s going to cry or lose her mind and scream her head off, but at least she’s smiling.

I can’t help myself. I bend down and kiss those full, beautiful lips. She wraps her arms around my neck and breathes me in, as if this is exactly what she needed, what she wanted, a reminder that she’s more to me than a girl under my care. And she is more to me. She’s so much more.

I wrap my arms around her, my hands splayed on that sweet, tender spot of her lower back. She feels so small in my arms, so frail, and I want to tuck her up to my chest and hold her here forever.

I slide my tongue in her mouth, and she whimpers. I move my hand lower, down over the small of her back to the swell of her ass, and my cock stiffens. She grinds against me, building friction between us. We both want this. We both need this. I can’t take her back to Calabria, and I can’t lock her up, but I can claim her as mine. I have to. She needs this from me.

I lift her up and she swings her legs around my hips. She’s fucking meant to be here like this, her little body wrapped around mine. If I’ve got a soul, this girl’s found it, excavated it, dusted it fucking off.

I pull my mouth off hers enough to whisper in her ear. “You please me very much, Mia.”

She groans in response, rocking her hips. My cock strains for release against my jeans as we walk toward my bedroom.

I wasn’t going to do this. I was damn near bound and determined not to. But hell, right now, there’s no better choice than to make her feel as safe as fuck.

I kick open the door to my bedroom, and walk with her toward the bed. Her hands are at my waist, reaching for my t-shirt, but I capture her wrists and still her movements.

She’ll get what she wants tonight, what we both want, but I’m the one who leads the steps in this dance.

I lay her down on the pillows, her hair cascading around her like sun-kissed honey. I kiss her temple, her nose, her forehead, her dainty little chin, and she giggles and smiles so prettily, my heart squeezes. I’m not a sentimental guy, but Mia brings out the softest parts of me.

My hands span her waist, then I’m lifting her top. She watches me with wide-eyed wonder as I ease it up and over her head gently. As if testing me, she reaches her hands to her waist and grabs the button of her jeans.

I shake my head once.


That’s my job. She smiles at me, a little bit of the sassy Mia returning, coy and tempting, and she reaches for her belly again.

I make a tsking sound, and take her wrists in my hand. “I undress you.” I place her hands above her head. “Keep them there, beautiful. You’ve already earned a spanking. Do you want a spanking that doesn’t end in orgasm?”

Her eyes widen, and she shakes her head.

“Good girl. Then you let me undress you.”

She watches my every move, as I unbutton and slide her jeans off. She lies in front of me wearing lace-trimmed panties and a bra, and my mouth goes dry, my throat tightens. She’s everything. Fucking everything. The thought of what will happen after this doesn’t matter now. Nothing does, except getting closer to Mia, letting her know how much she means to me, and making her feel safe.

I kneel on the bed beside her and let my gaze travel over her perfect, gorgeous body, from the graceful curve of her neck to the gentle slope that leads to her breasts, her delicate belly with a tiny silver stud, and full hips I want to bite, her gorgeous, voluptuous thighs, and why have I never noticed the little birthmark right there, right below her pussy on her inner thigh?

Without conscious thought, I bend and kiss it, and her body tremors beneath me.

“Enzo,” she whispers. “Sir.”

I look up at her and reach for her hand, entwining my fingers with hers.

“Yeah, baby?”

“I love when you look at me that way.”

“What way, baby?”

But she shakes her head. “I don’t know how to describe it.”