He gathers me into his arms and I melt, clinging to him like he’s the only thing in the world that matters. My relief at no longer being spanked, and my desperate need for comfort, makes me ignore the fact that the same man who just paddled my ass painfully is the one cuddling me on the couch now, his big hand stroking over the same flesh he just punished.

“Are you going to be good for me?”

Does he want the truth? Or does he want me to tell him what he wants to hear?

“Yes, sir.” Even I don't know if that's the truth or not. Maybe I will be good for him. Maybe I won’t have a choice.

He slides his fingers under my chin and lifts my eyes to his. “I’m going to look after you, Mia. Whether you like it or not. If you make a mistake, or forget one of my rules, you don't sass me and tell me it's stupid. You apologize, and maybe you avoid this.”

This is an ass so sore I won't be sitting for days. This is a flood between my thighs, a rampant arousal I can’t control. The way I react to Enzo isn’t just mental and physical. It's chemical, and I can't help it.

I want him to kiss me again. I want more than kisses. I want his body inside mine. I want my virginity to be a distant memory ripped away by him.

“You’re going to put some panties on before you come to my class, Mia,” he says, brushing his thumb over my lower lip. “Tonight, we’re going to have dinner together."

“Like a date?”

Why do I sound so hopeful? It's embarrassing. I’m starting to think he doesn't actually want me that way. That I'm making a fool of myself by trying to seduce him when all he does is spank me.

“You’re going to come to my apartment," he says. "I'll cook for you. You need a decent meal. You need someone to watch over you..” He looks at me and his voice lowers another octave. “I am going to take very good care of you, Mia.”

In every way but the way I want, apparently.

“Oh, and next time you earn a spanking, you’re going to put yourself in position for me and take it like a good girl.” Those words, delivered in that husky, dominant purr almost make me come. “I’m not going to wrangle you every time, Mia. You're going to submit to me. You’ll present that hot little ass to me and you’ll ask me to spank you like you deserve…"

I’m so fucking wound up and on edge. I'm going to need another shower. Or maybe not. Maybe if I spread my legs wide, keep straddling him, and squeeze myself against him there will be enough friction for me to come and he won’t even notice that I’m humping his leg.

“God, Mia." His voice is deep, his hand on my ass. He doesn't stop me as I grind back and forth. Now, when I surge forward, I feel something hard and long against my inner thigh. It’s him. His cock. Trapped inside fabric.

Yesterday, I threw water all over his shirt. Today, I'm soaking his pants with my cunt.

“Fuck… fuck…” I whimper the words against his mouth and neck, clinging to him as I drag my pussy over the hard ridge of his thigh, urged on by the light taps he’s giving my bottom.

“Sir,” I whimper. “Sir, please fuck me…”Chapter 8Enzo

“Not here, cara,” I breathe in her ear. “Let’s go back to my place.” I can’t tell her no, not when I’m the one that put her in this position.

I need her to come home with me. My place, where I’ve got food, no video cameras, no fucking junkie pounding on my door, and a box of condoms.

I know I shouldn’t, that this is dangerous, and I’ve warred within myself all damn day. I told myself she needed discipline, accountability, and I couldn’t do my job correctly unless she feared me. But Christ, I suspect Mia’s a virgin in more ways than one.

I want all her firsts to be mine. The first blush of pink on her ass when I paddle her, the first moans and spasms of pleasure when she comes on my tongue, the first tight clench of her cunt on my cock.

“Sir,” she breathes in my ear, her voice nearly pitching off into a whine with her desperation, and I wonder if I can even wait to get her there. But no. I have to stay firm.

I swallow hard. “My place.”

I want her safe. Under my protection, where I can keep a closer watch on her.

I don’t like that the junkie came barging in here unannounced. What if I wasn’t here? How would he respond if she told him to fuck off, that she didn’t want his wares? No doubt she’s one of his top customers, and he won’t take kindly to losing her business.