“I told you that you were going to cry for me, princess,” he drawls dangerously. "You're a spoiled little brat. You don’t know what discipline is. That's the first lesson you’re going to learn tonight.”

Oh fuck. I don't know who this guy is, but he doesn’t treat me with the deference most of my father’s men treat me with. I grew up doing what I wanted to the made men surrounding my father. They never did a thing to me, no matter what I said to them, or how I acted. Professor Caprio has already broken every unspoken rule I thought there was. There’s no way my father would ever tolerate this happening to me.

“Now, are you going to be quiet? Or are you going to have a very sore jaw from keeping that gag in all night?”

I nod quickly, hoping he will take mercy on me. To my surprise, he loosens the gag and lets it fall around my neck. I feel the heavy wet warmth of the ball against my collarbone. Before I can speak, he lets the tip of his tear-wet thumb press over my lips, sinking it into my mouth like a pacifier, and I suckle out of instinct, my lips closing around his thumb. I desperately need comfort. I'm confused. My right cheek is still stinging where he spanked me, and I’m pretty sure he's going to do it again.

“See, there is a softer side to you, isn't there, Mia? I’m going to bring the good little girl out of you.”

I don't want him to spank me. I don’t want to feel pain. I don't want to be sore, or sorry. I look up at him with my most earnest, pleading expression. He could do anything to me. I let my tongue graze the underside of his thumb suggestively. Men always want one thing. I don't think this one is any different. Maybe I can distract him from whatever he has planned.

He lets out a grunting sound and pushes his thumb a little deeper into my mouth. “Fuck,” he growls. “You are a hot little thing, aren't you?”

It’s working. I’m seducing him. I’ve never been with a man before, not all the way. He's hot. Everybody knows it. And he looks at me with a smoldering intensity which makes that secret place between my legs get all tight with anticipation.

I want to avoid the spanking. He was right in class. I don't know how to take pain, and I don't like it. He can have my body. He can fuck me if he wants, but I want to come out of this in control.

“Please,” I whisper. “Do anything to me. Just don't spank me.”

His brow lifts and he looks down at me with a sudden sternness, the raw lust drifting away to be replaced with an energy which makes my stomach go into knots.

“You’d rather give me your virginity than take the spanking you know you deserve?”

“Uhm… yes?”

He tugs my head back, looking down into my eyes with a hooded gaze. “You’d do anything to avoid getting what you deserve, wouldn’t you, Mia. It's in your blood. You’d sell your body to me if it meant you weren't punished. Silly little girl. Don't you know?”

“What…” I whisper.

“Sex can be just as punishing.”

“Oh…” My heart thumps at the insinuation, and hell, I wanna know what punishing sex is like.

“You’re so damn innocent," he says. “So damn young. Eighteen. Just a goddamn baby.”

I kneel in place quietly, seeing the war inside him. If I wasn't my father's daughter, I’m certain he would already have taken what he wants from me. My virginity would already be a distant memory. But I’m not some college bimbo begging a professor for a grade. I’m Russo’s daughter, and that fact stands between us as much as it pulls us together.

“I’m not a baby,” I tell him. “I’m a woman.”

His expression changes in some unfathomable way. “You’re a spoiled little girl living in your father’s world.”

“I’m trying to be free of that,” I say, feeling my pride sting. “But you followed me here. You won’t let me be free.”

"And you’ve acted like a petulant little teenager every step of the way. So you’re going to be spanked like one."

“No!” I gasp the word as he pulls me back up over his lap. “Please, Professor Caprio, please don't spank me. Please.”

I can feel his thighs beneath me, the strength of his body all around me. This is no longer my choice but his. I know I've pushed him. Taunted him. Fucked with him. But I’m already crying, real tears coursing down my face. I’m scared of pain. I'm scared of him. I did what I did because I never actually thought anything would happen to me.

“I don't wanna spanking,” I beg, sounding every inch the spoiled little girl he said I was. “Please…”