Page 63 of Christmas Wishes

How many people did Keaton know in town? While I’d been busy working, Keaton had been getting out, becoming a part of the town. More than I’d been, that was for sure. For too long, I’d been a ghost, floating from commitment to commitment without actuallyliving.

In a weird way, I found it comforting that I wouldn’t be the only one missing Keaton after he went home. Instead of suffering alone with my grief as I’d done after Nico died—refusing the offers of help that had been steady and generous—I should accept the support and lean on others who might be missing him too. Because I had to face the facts—I was going to miss the hell out of that man after he returned home.

* * *


I was still flying high when I unlocked Riggs’s front door to prep for the makeup lesson with Doris and her friends. I’d had a great time helping with the kids’ cottages, even though it meant dealing with some snow, and I had a feeling my smile might last the rest of the day.

Not a single person had questioned why I was there. They’d greeted me with warm smiles and gratitude. I liked feeling like I was part of something. Hmm. Maybe I should volunteer more. Though it was hard to imagine feeling the same way back home. I didn’t experience that sense of community in Minneapolis. A thought danced through my mind—I could become part of the community in Juniper Ridge. But, god, that was an enormous decision. Would I really change everything in my life because of a vacation?

Not just a vacation. A man. Riggs showing up to help today had me all in my feels. Working side-by-side to help the community in need. But even more, it was this whole damn rural town and people that had burrowed its way into my heart.

The urge to talk about it was bubbling over, so I reached out to my bestie. I texted him some photos of the cottages.

Keaton: Aren’t these cute? I helped get them set up today for a big festival event this weekend.

I went upstairs to where my cosmetics still were. I might’ve been sleeping in Riggs’s bed, but I was under no illusion that we were on a trajectory for merging bathroom toiletries. I’d been getting ready in the rental suite.

Joule was curled up on one of the pillows at the head of the bed. One of her folded ears twitched and she cracked one eye open and watched me enter the room but didn’t seem bothered by my presence. I approached her slowly and came within head-scritching distance. She allowed me three swipes of my fingernails over the crown of her head before she stretched out of my grasp. But she didn’t run away. First physical contact!

Arlo: You were voluntarily out in the snow? Do you have a fever?

Since Arlo was near his phone, I sat on the edge of the bed to reply.

Keaton: LOL, maybe. The event folks needed as many people as possible to help get these ready because of the storm.

Arlo: You’ve sure gotten out and about in the town. That’s great, Keat. Still can’t believe you’re willingly outside in winter though. [laughing emoji]

Keaton: Then you’re not going to believe this. I haven’t gone back to do any editing yet, but I did a silly filming stunt yesterday to test how makeup held up to moisture. What do you think of the idea?

Keaton: [video attached]

While I waited for Arlo’s reaction, I looked for Joule and found her sitting about a foot away on the bed, staring at me.

“Hello. This is a lovely surprise.” I held my hand out for her to sniff. Seemingly deeming it acceptable, she curled into a croissant shape next to me. I didn’t dare risk touching her again in case she scattered.

Arlo: Have you watched this?

Keaton: No. Oh god, is it bad?

I could fart clouds of setting powder and Arlo would applaud. He was the world’s most supportive friend. For him to be hesitant, there had to be something bad.

During the years when I’d toyed with the idea of joining the industry more formally, I hadn’t anticipated being nervous about my videos. But the thought of making something that would be seen beyond my friends list? That sent flutters through my belly. Officially adding my perspective and opinions to the beauty space was more intimidating than I’d expected.

Arlo: Keat, watch it all the way to the end. I’ll be by my phone after you’re done.

Huh? That was ominous.

I hit play. I kept waiting for whatever had triggered Arlo’s concern. Sure, it needed some editing, and I could work on better introducing what I was doing in a fun way, but I didn’t see anything concerning.

Then it showed my calculating grin and pure joy radiating off me as I tried to sneakily prep a snowball to throw at Riggs. There were flashes of us chasing each other, soundtracked by my giggles and Riggs’s deep laughter. We collapsed onto a pile of snow in frame, and the recording caught us staring into each other’s eyes like we were the only people in the world.

Riggs stared at me like he cared about me.Me. Not what I could do for him, how much pleasure I could give him, or that I was a fun person to spend a finite amount of time with. Riggs looked like there was nowhere else he wanted to be.

Keaton: Holy. Shit. [mind blown emoji]

Arlo: I didn’t realize things were that serious.