Page 37 of Mistletoe Kisses

She pulled me in and wrapped me in a hug. Peppermint and lavender wafted around me. “So glad you’re here. I hope you like lasagna.”

My stomach rumbled. “I love it.” I held out the wine bag to her. Good thing I’d gone with the red recommendation Keaton had given me.

“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you. Come in, come in. It’s freezing out here.” Karen stepped aside and ushered us in.

The entryway opened to a sunken living room where a large, colorfully decorated Noble fir dominated the corner. Lights wrapped around the edges of the bay window and two small white curly-haired dogs wearing fuzzy red sweaters chased each other around.

Ron shook our hands. “Arlo, Lucas, glad you could make it. Karen made enough to feed an army. I hope you don’t mind that I’ve invited my mom and brother to join us.”

Larry, my other uncle, and Judith, my grandma? I hadn’t planned to meet more of the Brennans.I’m not ready for this.I shot a panicked look at Lucas, but his steady presence soothed the worst of the swelling anxiety.

“The more the merrier,” Lucas said as he moved to shake Ron’s hand.

I robotically followed while glancing around for more of my family, like I was working through a laser tag course and trying to spot my opponents.

“The man of the hour. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” A man stepped forward who was the spitting image of the photo I’d seen of my dad but with more wrinkles and his red hair fading to blond in some spots.

When my brain froze, Lucas stepped in again. “Great to see you again, Larry and Judith.” Again, I followed his handshaking.

“Great to meet you,” I managed eventually.

Larry clapped me on the shoulder. “With that red hair, you fit right in with our family.”

Lucas sucked in a breath that was damn near inaudible, but I was so attuned to him that I caught it.

“Is what they say about redheads and needing more anesthesia true? I’ve always wondered that,” Lucas threw out as he gave my arm a reassuring squeeze.

I could’ve kissed Lucas for redirecting.You’d fit right in with the family.

I am your family.

What if they looked at me and figured it out? Kicked me out for not telling them sooner? I couldn’t handle it. I needed them to like me. I'd wanted that before I met them, but now that I knew them, I craved it.

Judith came over to me. She was petite and had short, almost-white curly hair and skin even lighter than mine. “I need you to help me pick out a book. Ron never finds one I like, but I have a feeling you’d get it right.”

“Oh. I, um, I’d be happy to try. But I’m flying home tomorrow.”

She clucked her tongue. “That’s too bad.”

“What can I get you boys to drink? We’ve got wine, beer, water, and ginger ale,” Karen asked before I could figure out what to say to Judith.

“Wine for me,” Lucas said.

“Me too. Can I help with something?” Ever since I was old enough to stir a pot or cut something without hurting myself, I’d always helped with meals. I didn’t know how tonotpitch in because it had always been expected of me as a kid. Keaton’s mom tried to kick me out of the kitchen, but I always found my way back in.

“You’re the guest. Socialize, drink, have fun. We’re here to thank you for your work, not make you work again.” She shot a stern look at Ron, who raised his hands in defeat.

“Sit with me. I want to learn more about you,” Judith said.

Why did walking over to join her on the couch feel like walking to the gallows? Really festive gallows with lots of blinking lights. I gulped and sat, hoping I’d make it through the night.



After Judith saton one end of the couch, I moved to sit in the middle before Arlo could. I was there to be his buffer, and whether that meant drawing attention away from him, diverting conversations, or literally sitting as a barrier, I would do anything. Ron and Larry sat on the couch opposite.

I didn’t want to prevent him from getting to know his family, but I also didn’t want him to get backed into a corner with no way out except for divulging something he might not be ready to share. I hoped, more than anything, that he’d feel comfortable enough with them to share his secret.