Page 7 of Pitcher Perfect


“We could at least talk to him about it,” Ethan said.

Tyler nodded. “Couldn’t hurt.”

I was confused, but it wasn’t my business.

Ethan passed Tyler’s sandwich to him then opened his own. He moaned as he chewed the first bite. “Holy shit. This is so good.”

I grinned at him. “Thanks.”

“Damn, dude. This iseggcellent,” Tyler said.

Ethan rolled his eyes. “What if we teamed up for the competition?” He looked between us.

Tyler nodded. “Hell yeah. That’s a great idea. Worth talking about, at least.”

Do I want to do that?I should focus all my attention on growing my business instead of messing with a competition, but maybe if I helped the brewery, the townies like Ambrose would accept I was there to stay.

“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” The words left my mouth before I consciously decided. I liked Ethan and Tyler, and working with them could be fun. If anything, it might get me some friends in town and help with buzz about my truck.

“This is fucking awesome.” Tyler held up his hand for me to high-five.

It was tough to do through the truck window, but I managed.

“I’ve got an idea,” Ethan said to Tyler. He turned back to me. “Can you make two more sandwiches? Make ’em extra good. We’ve got a brewer to woo.”

Tyler grinned at Ethan. “This is gonna be good.”



Team Tap That Group Text

Ty:I’m heading to the convenience store getting stuff for our feast. Anyone need anything?

Dom:what in the world could you possibly be getting for dinner from a convenience store? Ethan already has the drinks covered

Ethan:lol this is gonna be good

Austin:[gif of person eating popcorn]

Ty:that’s for me to know and your taste buds to soon find out

Dom:get me some heartburn stuff. I have a feeling I’ll need it [side-eye emoji]

* * *

“Austin,get your ass down here. It’s time to meet.”

I ignored Ty’s booming shout from the base of the stairs. I needed ten more uninterrupted minutes to finish jotting notes before our meeting. I was on the precipice of a breakthrough for the winter ale recipe.

“Meeting. Now,” Tyler said from my doorway moments later.

My pen dragged across the page when a pillow connected with the back of my head.

“You dick, you ruined my paper.” I flipped him off over my shoulder then checked the pages underneath for damage. I hadn’t been using the notebook for long, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I needed to go back to Portland to pick up a new one. Maybe I would run into that guy again.