Maddie turned to look back at Owen.He’d already seen the other boat.He was scowling ahead.He glanced back at Sawyer and made some hand gesture.Sawyer gave him a thumbs-up and Owen headed for the boat coming at them.
It had to be their stolen airboat.
Maddie gripped the bench seat she was on as Owen sped up.She didn’t know what Owen’s plan was here.Maybe to more or less sheep-dog the boat, making sure it was headed back to dock.
The guys on the other boat were waving their arms and she thought she could see them shouting, “Help!”
Shit.They were in trouble and they knew it.
Maddie jumped when she felt Owen’s foot nudge her shoulder.She looked back.He pointed at her, then at his seat.Then he pointed at his chest and then at the other boat.
She frowned and shook her head, not understanding.
He pointed at her again and then at his seat.
He wanted her to drive?
Then his pointing to the other boat made sense.He was going to get onthatboat?How the fuck was he going to do that?He was going to jump from this boat to that one?
“You’re crazy!”she shouted, assuming he could at least read her lips.
He nodded and shrugged.
And it hit her.She loved this man.She’d already known that, but in that moment, it hit her directly in the face.He would do anything he needed to do to make things right.He would put himself at risk tojump from one moving airboat to anotherto save the jackasses that had stolen the damned thing.
Oh, she was going to chew some drunk-frat-boy asses when this was over.But for now, yeah, she could help Owen do what he needed to do.
She stood and climbed over the seat to stand next to the driver’s seat.Owen let up on the accelerator as the other boat went speeding past.
“Hang on!”Owen shouted.
She couldn’t hear him, but she clearly saw what he said.Maddie grabbed the back of the seat in front of her as Owen turned the boat to follow the other.She almost lost her footing, but she braced herself and hung on, even offering up a little prayer.
When they were behind the other boat, Owen climbed down, holding the rudders straight until Maddie was in place.She blew out a breath and wrapped her hand around the controller.It was still warm from Owen’s hand and she had a moment of, “This is a terrible idea.”
But she gripped it hard and focused.
I really should have told him I was in love with him before this.
That thought hit her hard.Fuck.She wasnotletting more time go before saying it.
Owen started to move to the side of the boat, but she reached quickly, grabbing his sleeve and tugging.He looked back.
“I love you!”
She knew he wouldn’t hear her, but those words were easy to read on lips.
He gave her a grin.“I know!”
She laughed, relief going through her as she let go of him.He moved further up the boat, holding on as he got to the side.He motioned for her to catch up with the other boat.Maddie accelerated, her heart pounding.She could do this.Shehadto do this.Owen was going to jump either way and the closer she got him and the steadier she held it, the safer he’d be.
Calm settled over her and she focused carefully on the other boat.She moved up next to it.The guys on the boat were watching with wide eyes.The guy in the driver’s seat looked petrified.
Maddie glanced up toward the Boys of the Bayou dock.Damn, they were getting close.Airboats didn’t have brakes.They needed room to coast to a stop.Or thick grass or low water to slow them down.There was no grass or low water here.Even with Owen in the driver’s seat, they needed space more than anything when it came to stopping.
Owen got right to the edge of the boat, balancing, waiting for her to pull up close enough.Maddie held her breath as she got within about two feet.
Owen glanced back to her and mouthed, “I love you, too!”