“I’mgettingto know him.”Tori glanced from Andrew to where Josh sat across the bar.
Somehow they’d gotten separated when they’d come into Trahan’s.There were a lot of people in here who were happy to see him and wanted to talk.Which didn’t surprise her a bit.Josh was a people person.She’d realized it early on, watching him behind the bar last year, but it had been on full display during the tour of New Orleans today.He’d loved every bit of the storytelling, all the questions, the oohs and ahhs from the group.He’d clearly been in his element and if she’d been attracted to him before, it had multiplied tenfold today.It was clearly a case of opposites attract.He had that natural charisma that she was drawn to because she didn’t have a bit.
Of course, the night before had been a part of the increased attraction too.She’d obviously thought he was very good-looking before they’d gotten naked together, but all day she’d been finding it hard not to get hot and tingly looking at his mouth and his hands and his ass.Even his voice had been making her panties wet, remembering the things he’d said last night with that hot, gruff tone as he’d made love to her, the deep groans and growls…
She snapped her attention back to Andrew.Dang.She was incredibly distracted today.The tour had been fun and she’d loved all the weirdness, but she’d also been wondering when she and Josh would be alone again and looking forward to that night.Even in the middle of the Museum of Death she’d been thinking about how awesome he was and how much she wanted to kiss him.
“Yeah?”she asked Andrew.
“Are you okay?”
Horny.But okay.She smiled.“Yes.”
“Did you hear what I said?”
“You said that you think I barely know Josh.”She understood why he’d think that.They hadn’t known each other long.Even less time than Andrew thought, actually.But she believed she did know Josh.He was a what-you-see-is-what-you-get guy.She loved that about him.She didn’t have to figure him out.She could easily tell what he was feeling.Very much like a dog.In a very good way.
“I was saying that I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to think about moving down here.”
Tori frowned.She’d confessed to her best friend that things were going well with Josh and that he was the first guy in a very long time that she could see having a long-term relationship with.And how hard that would be if one of them was in Iowa and one was in Louisiana.
“You don’t think I should go for something that makes me this happy?”
“You have a business.”
“So does he.And it’s a lot harder to move a bayou than it is to move a barn.”Of course, she wouldn’t move her barn.But she could move everything inside it to a new barn.Outside of Autre, possibly.Her heart flipped at that thought.
“I guess this is just…hard for me,” Andrew said.
“Hard for you?Why would it be hard foryou?”
“I didn’t know anything about this guy.You’ve told menothing.Then suddenly you show up here, supposedly in this serious relationship, with this guy you’re thinking about uprooting your life for.It’s just taking me by surprise and it’s tough to adjust quickly.”
Tori frowned.“You don’t have to adjust to it, Andrew.It’s not about you.”
The flash of hurt that crossed his face was obvious and Tori felt bad.She sighed.“I just mean, this doesn’t changeyourlife.And if I’m here, you can get to know Josh and get used to all of this faster.We could go out, the four of us.”She did not want to go out with Paisley.Mostly because of Paisley and her obvious dislike for Tori even with Josh in the picture.There was a still a jealous vibe coming from the other woman that Tori couldn’t understand.But Tori also thought that she and Josh would want to hang out at places like Trahan’s and Ellie’s, while Paisley would want something more lavish.
“Yeah, maybe we could do that,” Andrew said, though he didn’t seem enthusiastic.“You know I just want to take care of you.”
She nodded.She did know that.Andrew had always been her main ally.“I know.And you know I love you for that.”
Something else flashed across his face with that, but she couldn’t quite name the emotion.
She didn’t have a chance to think about it more, however, because just then a loud voice proclaimed, “Logan Trahan, I am here to be impressed.But I’m not holdin’ my breath.”
Tori looked toward the voice, her mouth stretching into a huge grin.“Oh my gosh.”
“You know her?”Andrew asked, also watching Logan meet the much smaller, much older woman in the middle of his restaurant and lift her up into his arms for a hug.
“That’s Ellie,” Tori said, feeling what she could only term as fondness as she watched Ellie.She’d just met the woman the other day but, yes, she was very fond of her.“She’s Josh’s grandma.”
“That’s Josh’s grandma?”Andrew asked, as Ellie said, “Holy shit, boy,” to Logan and asked him, “Does that pretty wife of yours know that you’re still out here letting all of that charm ooze out all over the place?”
“It is,” Tori said with a nod, still watching the scene.“She’s hilarious.”
“What’s she doing here?”