“What I kept secret is that she left her place, at least the house and a few acres, to me. It’s in Crooked Creek, Wyoming, and I’m heading there.”
“All the way in Wyoming?” The joy left her tone.
“It’s not that far away. Just a plane flight away. I need this, Brenda. Rory has changed. I’ve changed. Now I need to figure out where I belong.”
“I understand. I’ll miss you, but I want you to be happy again.”
“Fingers crossed.”
“I’m sorry, but you deserve better, sweetie. Someone who knows how awesome you are. Maybe you’ll find the man of your dreams out there in cowboy country.”
“Don’t bet your wages on it. I’ve got to go. I’m using a payphone and by the looks of it, I’m the only one who has in the last decade. It’s cold out here too. I’ll catch up with you as soon as I get another phone.” Hanging up the receiver, she swiped her hand down her denim-covered thigh, but still felt dirty. She took a step back and looked through the window of the gas station. They’d have hand sanitizer…and maybe something for dinner. Wrapped up in getting her grandmother’s house in livable condition, she’d forgotten to eat.