Page 36 of The Darkest Knight

“Another?” the waitress asked, her gaze narrowed and she wasn’t so flirty now.

“Bring another pitcher,” he mumbled a curse word under his breath. He was a damn fool with no time for fantasizing about sensual curves and a tight ass. He didn’t need this shit right now—or ever. He was busily getting his life in order, not looking for responses from that woman who’d bounced into his life unexpectedly and uninvited.

He took a second to look up and all eyes were on him, curious. “What’s the problem?” he grumbled. Hell, they weren’t the target of his anger, but he couldn’t control himself.

“That’s what we should be asking you, bro. Who pissed in your beer?” Lex cocked a thick brow and one corner of his mouth lifted into a grin.

He liked the Howard boys, but a dangerous poison flowed in his veins and its name was Reese. He couldn’t be safe to say much without blowing off steam. She definitely made him a belligerent idiot even when she wasn’t around.

“No one pissed in my beer,” he growled.

Gage chuckled. “You’re not one to throw back beer like its water, so we’re only wondering what the hell is going on.”

“Only a woman makes a man behave this way,” Johnny said, chuckling. He was the oldest brother and the quiet one…at least most of the time.

Seth narrowed his hard gaze on him. “Wrong.”

“I ain’t one to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong, buddy, but I think I know the look. Wide, glazed-over eyes. Saliva at the corners of your mouth, or is that beer? The search for relief through liquid gold is always spurred by beautiful women in one way or another. Guarantee you. Ready to bite a man’s head off with the slightest provocation is a big sign that a man is fighting the raging war that he can’t win. It’s a tale as old as time, this thing called lust and love. Yes sir, it’s obvious.”

Seth couldn’t remember Johnny saying this many words at once. “So, that’s your diagnosis?”

“A woman has taken up residence inside your body. Hey, I don’t blame you. Not only is she pretty, but she’s got one of those looks. You know what I’m saying, one that tells you she’ll treat you like a king when you’re good, but when you’re bad…” he whistled through his teeth, “she’ll have you talking in a language you didn’t know you could speak. You give in to a woman like that and you’re a goner, my friend. Hook. Line. Sinker. Might not be too bad if I say so myself. Should just wave the white flag now.”

Turning his gaze, Seth attempted to concentrate on the bright lights of the jukebox where only yesterday Reese had been standing, wiggling her bottom without the least bit of awareness that she had every single, and some not-so-single, man in the place salivating like a dog in heat. Hell, that’s what made her even sexier. She didn’t set out to entice men or draw them into her web, no, she had no clue how much power she had, at least over him.

Unfortunately, Johnny had a point.

Another filled pitcher was placed in front of him. He didn’t partake this time. Instead, he ordered a basket of wings and an extra-large pizza. He remained quiet, hoping his friends would follow suit. He should have known better…

“Falling in love isn’t the worst-case scenario, Seth.” Lex had amusement in his dark eyes. “Reese is a woman that a lot of men would love to gain her attention.”

“You two did look pretty cozy today,” Gage added.

Seth’s stomach knotted. He should have figured this would come back to bite him in the ass. “She had a seizure. I was helping her.”

“Yeah, you were helping her alright. She was cuddled into you like her favorite blanket.” Gage laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Dark Knight’s softer side before.”

“I was only being nice, something you jackasses should try.”

“Ah hell, I’m nice. My girl hasn’t complained yet,” Gage continued.

Seth had wanted to take the third mug slow, but why bother? He downed half of it and swiped the back of his hand across his mouth. He needed to grow some balls and some resistance. He’d faced the barrel of a gun a handful of times. Found himself surrounded by the enemy more times than he could count. He’d even survived a bomb explosion. Each time he came out stronger. So why was this situation so difficult?

And two hours later, when Johnny dropped him off at Landing Knight, he was still pondering that question. Reese was a mere woman.

Yet, a mere woman who needled her way into his mind.

He started for his cabin and something struck him in dire urgency. He had a bone to pick with the lovely Reese Shane. He needed to prove, once and for all, that he didn’t want her…no, not now or ever, so she needed to keep her sexy shorts in the drawer and stop driving him mad.