“Sounds right. Why?”
“They’ll need chairs and something to eat.”
“That’s where you get it from,” she said to Roarke. “Fine, but make itfast. They can eat while I brief them. Roarke, get me the house, exterior visuals, blueprints.”
“Already on that.”
“Lieutenant. I know you need time to plan your op. When you have him in custody…” Marjorie looked at the others. “We need to see him. We don’t need to speak with him, and won’t interfere in any way, but we need to see him.”
“Need to lay eyes on him.” Nodding, Harry gave Marjorie’s hand a squeeze. “And it’d sure bloody well suit me if he lays his on us.”
They’d earned it, Eve thought. Earned the justice of that and the closure.
“I can make that happen. When we have him, Roarke will contact Summerset. He can arrange your transportation to Central. I’ll clear you for Observation.”
“Your visual’s on-screen.”
She walked back. “Yeah, good-sized two-story house, with full basement and attached two-car garage. Nice water view’s wasted on this asshole. Gated entrance to keep the riff from raffing on that water view. Not much grounds, the house takes most of the lot. But that’s good for him. He doesn’t need a big yard. That’s just maintenance.
“Front door, side doors, south and north, big glass doors on the river side main entrance, and a walkout from that end of the basement. Second-story deck with double doors—that’ll be the primary. I’m going to need you and the EDD team to take out all the alarms, cams, locks.”
“Understood. I’ll access the schematics for the security system.”
“He’ll have made some of his own adjustments,” Cyril told him.
“Also understood. We can work through it. Blueprints coming up.”
“There.” As she moved closer, Eve pointed. “Storage area, southeast corner of the basement. That’s where he’s keeping the kid. No windows, only one door.”
“Poor little boy,” Iris murmured. “It’s been hours for him now.”
“Just a couple more. Roarke, can you dig up the description from when the house was last listed?”
“If you give me a minute.”
“Take your time. We’ve got time now. There’s a good-sized bedroom with bath on the main level, but the biggie, the main with the larger bath and that access to the deck, is on the second. Got a fireplace. He’d take that for himself. Three more rooms up there and another bath. One room listed as a bedroom, but it’s smaller.”
“Good size for an office,” Peabody commented.
“Yeah, good place to put in a command center, his e-toys. This one here, walk-in closet. Maybe the costumes. And the third, smaller closet, but roomy enough. Why waste it?”
“Mmm-hmm.” Still studying the blueprints, she nodded at Roarke. “He’ll have weapons stashed throughout the house, monitors, too. But he needs those rooms for his work and security. Fitness room, basement level. Another room with a door down there. Maybe a lab. Kitchen and lounge area main, dining room main. I bet he sits all by himself in the dining room and eats his French food.”
“Here’s your last listing. On-screen.”
“Okay. He put the money he got for the villa and more into this one. See there? Storage area, fabricated wood plank flooring, lower level. I guess it’s too fancy to call a basement. Media room, fitness room, bedroom, same level. Full bath down there, fully equipped kitchenette.
“And look there. Fully secured—door cams, alarm system, palm plates, and so on. Even gives the name of the security system. That’s yours.”
“It is indeed.” Roarke smiled at her. “That makes it simple for a change.”
“He’ll have more,” Summerset warned. “Interior cams, locks, alarms, booby traps.”
“Yes. We’ll account for them, won’t we, Ian?”
“Bet your ass and mine on that.”