“You could be right,” I admit. “Couldbe.”

“Invite him,” Mom says. “Then tell him what’s been on your mind.”

“But what if you’re right? If I’m wrong, and he’s not a liar, I’ll have to date him.”

“Good. I want you to be happy,” she says, smiling widely.

“Dating doesn’t end happily, though, does it, Mom?”

That’s petty, Tori. The thing is, it’s also true.

“I started this thinking I could keep it casual,” I say. “That was the whole point—some casual fun. I’m not looking for love. There’s a reason I’ve never dated before. I don’t care. I don’t need it. I’ve got my work. I’ve got my poetry. I’ve got my friends. That’s enough to keep me busy.”

“But don’t you want more from life, angel, than to keep busy? Don’t you want to live?”

I bite my lip, looking down at my phone.

Tori:Are you sure you want to come? A lot of people find poetry slams lame and cringy. Obviously, I’m not one of them, but I know that the stigma is out there.

Alex:I’m positive.First, because I want to see you showcase your talent, and second, because I’m your Valentine’s guardian angel, remember? I don’t want you to go alone.

Tori:I’m not going to be alone now.Mom is coming with me.

Alex:That’s great!I’m glad you two have reconciled.

Tori:I wouldn’t go that far, but we’re trying.My performance tonight… let’s just say I find my greatest inspiration from my real life. Usually, this meanstalking about my dad, my hopes for the future, or even funny stories from the bar.

Alex:What about your dad?

I swallow. Here we go again, a voyage into the not-even-a-little-bit-casual.

Tori:He and Mom were in the middle of a nasty divorce when he got cancer and died shortly after. I guess you could say it left an impression on me.

Alex:Of course. That’s awful. I’m sorry, Tori.

I swallow.

Tori:Listen, this is going to sound nuts, but can you send me a photo of your nephew to prove he’s real?

I stare at the message and then delete it. I feel like a crazy person.

“Ride’s here,” Mom says.

Tori:You can come.I’ll send you the address. But please don’t expect fireworks.

Alex:All I expect is to see you doing something you love, beautiful. That’s more than enough for me.

Despite my better judgment, I smile as warmth floods my body.



The venue has a hipster vibe, records on the walls, and prints of punk bands. The drinks are served in jars and the music which pounds from the speakers has a punky lilt to it. I grab a beer and look around the loft-style room across the sea of heads, looking for Tori.

I’m just glad she let me come. I tried my best to focus at the archery range with Elliot, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Damien and his tatted goons. What if they returned? What if they hurt her?
