Page 15 of Smooth Sailing

“That’s part of what Muzz, Eight and you will be doing.”

Oh yeah.

He was down with this.

“I’m coming with,” Big Petey stated.

Hugger kept his mouth shut about Pete being involved, but he didn’t like it.

The man was not young, for one.

And he was not well, for another.

Someone gave you no shit, no pressure, let you be who you were and always took your back, you returned that.

So Pete not reaching out about the way he was losing weight, slowing down, and sometimes seemed hazy meant they all had to lock down their concern and let him do it like he wanted to do it.

But Hugger knew he wasn’t the only brother who was worried.

So it was Rush and Hugger who exchanged a glance after Pete spoke those words, but other than that, they didn’t open their traps.

At least, not about that.

“There’s a slight hitch in that plan,” Rush went on.

“Yeah?” Hugger prompted.

“She’s already got protection. A woman named Diana Armitage.”

Oh shit.

“A chick?” Hugger asked.

No shade. Women could get the job done.

But one chick against a Bosnian gangster with a massive crew was not good odds.

Rush nodded his confirmation.

“She security? Ex-military? A cop? What?” Hugger asked.

Rush shook his head. “None of that.”

This wasn’t oh shit.

It was oh fuck.

And Rush wasn’t done.

“She’s also Babic’s attorney’s daughter.”


Now it was oh fuck.

He had no idea why the daughter would wade into this, but he did not sense good things.

Hugger looked to Big Petey.