She’s crying, and hell, her tears seem so real I don’t know what to make of it. This isn’t a game anymore.

“I can’t—I won’t—” her shoulders rack with sobs. “They’re the only people I care about in the world, and I won’t stand by and let them get hurt. Don’t let them get hurt, Nolan. Please. Don’t. I’ll drop this. I won’t pursue you. I’ll—I’ll—”

She’s telling the truth, and she’s so beautiful when she does, I feel like a ray of sunshine’s illuminated her features, even as she’s breaking right before me. She’s been walled up, closed off. I hate seeing her fall apart like this, but I know that it’s necessary. For me to get to the real woman inside, we need to get past this.

“Let’s hear it.”

“I did come here to spy on you. I knew if I provoked you at the club after what I did with Aileen, that you’d probably take me. I decided if I could get apprehended by you, I’d be able to find out more about you, if I could actually get into the place where you live.”

I don’t realize I’m gripping her harder until she flinches. I don’t like hearing this, but hell, I do think she’s actually telling me the goddamn truth. To her credit, she’s unperturbed by my anger.

“My plan was to do an exposé. A big story, as it were, bring the truth of what you do to light. It would be a breakthrough for me, you see. And if it worked… if I did it… I would have the funds and stability to fight the courts for custody of my siblings.”

I believe she’s telling me the truth, but there’s more to it than this. Her grudge against us goes deeper. It’s personal. But for now, this is a good start.

“You did well, lass,” I tell her, granting her a small smile. “So well. And I’ll remember that you told me the truth.” I’m proud of her. She drives me crazy, this woman, but it would be a lie to say I’m not damn proud of her.

My phone rings. I ignore it, but on and on it rings. She watches me, then swipes her hand across her eyes when I curse and finally take the phone from my pocket. Keenan.

“We’re ready. Seems the O’Gregors have found out what happened last night,” Keenan says. “Come to the meeting room now. Bring the girl.”

“Aye. On my way.”

Fucking O’Gregors.

I shove my phone in my pocket and drag her over to me. I grab her jaw and hold her gaze with mine, my fingers splayed on her perfect skin. “That was Keenan. Says the O’Gregors know what happened. No doubt they’ve got their eyes on us after last night.”

She grimaces, nods, and doesn’t look away. “I’ve done terrible things and you know I have. But lass, so have you.”

She flinches as if I struck her, but still holds my gaze.

“Doesn’t mean either of us are past redemption. Doesn’t mean either of us don’t have a fucking heart.”

She nods, blinks, and another tear rolls down her cheek. I continue. I have something to say and it’s important. “What it does mean is that we have to find where our loyalties lie. And that means right now, we go in front of my brothers and we tell them what you just told me. Do you understand me?”

She grimaces, but nods again. “Yes.”

I stand, tug her to my chest, and wipe my thumbs across her cheekbones, wiping her tears away. “Don’t cry, doll,” I tell her, unable to help comforting her. “We’ll find a way. But I won’t let you harm my family, and I’ll have a very tight leash on you. Understood?”

Her eyes are bright when she looks at me, both smiling and sad at the same time. “Aye, I understand. Thank you, Nolan.” She gives me a watery smile. “Tight leash sounds fun.”

I groan. “Don’t thank me yet. You’ve never been to a meeting with my brothers.”

I’ve no idea how we’ll handle this, how I’ll remain loyal to The Clan and keep my word to her as well, but I feel as if I’ve no choice in this.

I have to.

We walk in silence to the meeting room. We hear a baby’s laugh, and both of us look out the large windows to just outside the lawn where Maeve and Fiona walk with Sam between them.

“They trust you,” she whispers. “Wish I could, too.”

Once she says it, she bites her lip and looks as if she wishes she could take it back. She shakes her head. I don’t respond. Truth is, I wish I could trust her, too.

When we arrive in the meeting room, the men of our inner circle are there: Carson, Lachlan, Tully, Boner, Keenan, and Cormac.

Sheena freezes next to me when we step inside the room.