But it’s a dream, something I can’t bring them now. Not until I complete my mission. Until I establish myself and seek justice for what the McCarthys have done.

Two cars are waiting out front. I’m no fool. I’m aware of the fact that every person in this small, cramped neighborhood is either aware of my coming here tonight with the McCarthys or will be soon. Rumors will circulate, and there’s no telling what will come of this. There are too many questions right now and too few answers, but I can’t deal with any of those quite yet.

Fiona walks beside Lachlan as we go outside. Tiernan glares at the lot, his fists shoved into his pockets, but he can’t hide the look of relief when we open the car door.

“Don’t know about this, Sheena,” Tiernan mutters to me, in a low voice so only I hear him. “How do we know we’re not jumping from the frying pan into the fire?”

I swallow hard. Damn him for saying exactly what I fear myself.

“I know it, Tiernan. But you have to trust me. Can you trust me?”

He nods immediately, as if there’s no question, and it tugs at my conscience. If he only knew what I’ve done, what I’m planning still… he wouldn’t find me as trustworthy as he does now. Hell, he may be the only person in the world now who does.

“Let’s just get to safety tonight.”

“But that’s just it,” he says. “Are we safe?”

I clear my throat. “For tonight.”

Tiernan slides into the back seat and he gestures for Fiona to go with him. She looks to me, then Lachlan. My heart aches for her, for the girl who hasn’t had the safety and protection she so deserves. “Come, sweetheart,” I tell her. “Into the car and we’ll get you to a nice, warm bed, okay?”

She nods and walks with me. Lachlan watches her go, and a shadow crosses over his face. I wonder what his story is. I know he was recruited young by the McCarthys, that he went to their finishing school, but that’s all I know.

The drive back to their house is silent. Tiernan broods and stares out the window, I hold the baby in the back of the car, and Fiona sits next to me, resting her head on my shoulder. Nolan drives in silence. I try to silence my brain, but I can’t seem to. Fiona’s asleep when we get to the house, and Nolan’s phone rings just before he parks the car in the garage.

“Yeah?” He sighs at the voice on the other end of the phone. “Doesn’t matter which entrance,” he says. “He’ll know soon enough, and I’ll answer to him in the morning.”

I wonder who they’re worried about. Keenan, most like.

He parks the car and we exit. A shadow lurks in the doorway between the garage and entrance to the house. I’m surprised to see long red hair tucked into a messy bun. He’s alerted Maeve? Or was she roaming about and noticed our arrival?

“They’ll go with mam,” he says, reaching for the baby. I turn from him and won’t let him take him.

I shake my head. “No. I’ll help them get—”

“They’ll go with my mother,” Nolan repeats, more forceful this time. “Care to be reminded of our agreement?” His voice is tight, laced with meaning, and I know he’s trying to keep Tiernan from knowing too much.

Maeve approaches. She’s wearing a dressing gown, her brows furrowed as she draws near. I almost forgot for a moment that it was the dead of night.

“Why, hello there,” she says to Fiona, but Fiona pulls into my side and turns her face away from her. Unperturbed, Maeve turns to Tiernan. “Pleased to meet you,” she says, but doesn’t wait for a response. It’s a good thing, as he only glares right back at her.

Nolan’s jaw clenches. “They’ve been through an ordeal,” he says to his mam, then gives Tiernan a stern look. “We’ll work on manners in the morning.”

I glare at him. If he thinks he’s going to bully my brother into behaving a certain way, it’ll be over my dead body.

“Give mam the baby, Sheena, and you’ll come with me,” he says firmly. “We’ll go over all of this after we’ve had a good night’s sleep.”

“I’ll take the baby,” Fiona says, the first time she’s spoken since we’ve left the house. She reaches for Sam, who curls up into her arms and rests his head on her shoulder.

Carson and Lachlan join us, and we all go inside.

Maeve leads them through the kitchen to the main living area, then up a flight of stairs. “They won’t be far from you, Sheena,” she says gently. “And they’ll have everything they need, you have my word.”

“Why isn’t she coming with us?” Tiernan asks, his brows furrowed together.