Finn continues. “The strength of the McCarthy Clan has always been the loyalty and brotherhood we’ve fostered since its founding. And we won’t let anyone—” he pauses, his eyes coming to Sheena. “Destroy that.”

Keenan sits up straighter, picks up a stack of papers on his desk, and straightens them, tapping them like a judge banging a gavel.

“Aye,” he says. “I agree. So it’s time we clarified a few things, then.” He doesn’t speak to me of what I said, but continues discussing business. “First, the O’Gregors are responsible for the death of Sheena’s father. They also own Stone City, where several of you went last night to rescue Sheena’s family. Any word on her mum?”

Carson shakes his head. “No, but I’ll see what I can find out.”

Keenan nods. “Do that.” He turns to Father Finn. “I gave Nolan my word we wouldn’t involve social protection. We’ll keep them here in the meantime, and you’re not to interfere.” He turns to Sheena. “Under one condition.”

She holds his gaze for a long moment, before finally nodding.

“By your own admission, you were on our tails under the assumption we were responsible for the death of your father. Aye?”

She nods in silence.

“Assuming you were trying to bring us to ruin with the locals as retribution. Also true?”

It’s clear to me now, it all makes sense. She’s been terrible to us, but damn if I don’t blame her. She doesn’t have the power we do to set things to right, and sought justice it in her own way. I need to know why she thought us responsible. I’ll find out.

Keenan continues. “Now that you know we had nothing to do with the death of your father, you’ll clear our names. We’ve spent decades establishing a reputation here, and I won’t allow you to destroy that. You’ll do whatever it fucking takes to undo the damage you’ve done. Understood?”

He’s being gentler with her than he could be. He knows she means something to me, I’d guess. And anyone with a heart would take pity on the littler ones.

She looks to me and I give her another reassuring squeeze of her thigh. “Won’t be easy,” she says. “Got to make sure they don’t think I’m being bribed, and with my family here…” her voice trails off.

“You’re a smart girl,” Keenan says sharply. “You’ll figure it out.”

She breathes in deeply, squares her shoulders, then nods. “Aye. I’ll do it.”

“Good,” he says. “And you’ll remain under our custody until it’s evident you’ve cleared our names and we’re back in good standing with the locals. Understood?”

She huffs out a breath. “Yes.”

“I’ll have you know, lass, we’ve granted leniency to you only because of him.” He jerks his chin at me. “If not for Nolan, you’d have already paid the ultimate price by Clan code. Is that clear?”

She swallows and nods again. “Aye.”

He turns his gaze to me. “Nolan. You’ll head the battle against the O’Gregors. You brought it on us, and we weren’t exactly friends with the O’Gregors before all this began. They will not disturb our family. You’ll be sure to prevent fallout in whatever way you have to.”

“Of course.”

There’s warning in his gaze. “And you’ll keep this woman of yours under control in the meantime.”

I squeeze her thigh again. “On that you have my word, brother.”

Lachlan snorts but covers it up with a cough.

Keenan continues. “Find out what you can about what they’re planning. Find her mother and make sure she doesn’t pose a threat. For today, we find out who our enemies are. We won’t act defensively, brothers, but proactively.”

All around us there are murmurs of agreement, nods and promises. We could be on the cusp of battle, and we have to prepare. We talk about the possibilities, how we’ll approach this, and I delegate jobs to various men until we have a plan in place.

Keenan closes the meeting with one final admonition. “The lives of the Clan depend on you, Nolan. I know you won’t let us down. Sheena’s the best goddamn reporter in Ireland and I’m sure those skills of hers can be put to good use. She’ll help, won’t you?”

Sheena nods.

“Keep your eyes open. Be prepared, boys. This has only just begun.”

I take in a deep breath. He’s right.

“Before we go, Keenan, I’ve something to tell the group.” We look over at Carson, who meets Keenan’s gaze bravely.


He smiles. “Eve’s expecting.”

Lachlan pumps his fist in the air and hoots. Tully slaps Carson on the back, and Cormac bumps his fist. Keenan smiles. “Congratulations, Carson. Mam and the girls will be thrilled.”

“Aye,” Carson says. “Thanks very much. Not sure how well she’ll fare, but… well, I didn’t want you lads finding out any other way.”

“Much appreciated, Carson,” Keenan says, then he looks to me. “And all the more reason we re-establish the safety and well-being of The Clan.”