“On the bed,” he says, his voice sharp. “Strip. I want you belly down, arse in the air.”

I look at him in shock. I can’t strip. For fuck’s sake, if I strip he’ll see my phone, and that’s the least of my worries.

“Excuse me?”

“On the bed,” he repeats, louder. “Strip. I want you belly down, arse in the air.”

Still holding my hand, he slaps my arse, hard, then points to the bed. “Now.”

“Ah, well, then. Seems someone didn’t get his fix at the club,” I mutter, marching off to the bed.

I won’t let him intimidate me.

I won’t.

I’m not prepared for the clink of metal, or the hiss of leather being pulled through loops. His hand on my lower back, pushing me belly-down on the bed.

I reach a hand back on instinct to stop him, but he easily takes my wrist and pins it to my lower back.

I cringe, knowing what’s coming even while I crave it.

“Do you think this is a joke, doll?” he asks, so placidly you wouldn’t think he was ready to hurt me.

“A joke, well, no,” I begin, when the first line of fire lights up my ass. I hiss and draw in breath when he gives me another sharp lash, then another. My hands on the bed scramble for purchase and I fist the thick navy duvet to brace myself before he strikes me again.

“Then stop playing these games,” he says. “You’re on our property now. You’re prisoner here. You have no way to get out. You can call the police, but they won’t help you here. You can call your friends, but they can’t help you either.” He strikes me again, and I’m starting to feel like maybe I should take him seriously. His belt fucking hurts, and it seems he likes to wield it.

He punctuates his words with a hard, searing slap of leather.

“No. More. Games.”

And then I’m on my back and he’s pinning me down, and I’m dazzled by his scent and power. My wrists are in one of his hands, anchored to the bed above my head, and his mouth is on mine. He yanks the top of my dress down. I’m moaning into his mouth as he tweaks my nipples, and I’m stunned when I feel the hard length of his erection pressed up to my belly. Something should flash warning in my mind, but I live for this, I crave it, and all I feel is the seductive pull of domination.

He kneads my breast and kisses me with such primal possession, I can’t stop him. I feared rape, or something like it, but this is far worse. If he took me against my will, I could fight him. I could tell myself he was wrong, that I hated him. I could do what I’ve grown excellent at doing: wall myself off from all emotions that surround sex. I could fight him.

But this… oh, God. This is something else altogether. It’s like he’s read my fantasies and played them out with perfection, controlling me and forcing my body to respond of its own accord. I’m losing control, and that can’t happen.

My body throbs from the lashes, my pussy aches for pressure, my breasts tingle in his grasp. He stops kissing me and stares at me, panting from the exertion of belting and dominating me.

“Need a breather, then?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “I’ll enjoy every minute of breaking you, doll.”Chapter 5NolanShe thinks I don’t see right through her. That I don’t know she’s spied on everything we do, from our work to our home to our personal lives.

She thinks I don’t know that she feigns nonchalance when she’s really not only afraid, but aroused. I’ve got a masochist on my hands, and that spells fucking danger.

Thanks to Carson, I know a little bit about her background. I know she frequents The Craic, and she knows every damn one of us.

The only thing I don’t know about her is why the fuck she’s determined to fuck with us. And that’s exactly what I mean to find out.

In time. I’m going to go enjoy myself in the process.

I slide my hands up her thighs and shove her panties aside. I’m not surprised to find her wet and throbbing. She loves being dominated, maybe even craves it. I’m not sure why, and I’m not sure that matters.

But one thing I do know for sure. If I bring her to climax and pleasure her, she may be more malleable to me than she is now. The more I strip her down and pleasure her, the more she’ll draw closer to me. Rely on me. It’s the only way to control her.

I stroke her pussy until her hips rise to meet me and she’s panting on the cusp of release.

She’s attracted to me, to this.

Fucking dynamite.

“That’s a girl,” I say in her ear. “Move your hips and take it.”