“Love, you’re supposed to be so tired after multiple orgasms, that you pass out.”
She gives me a soft smile before she flops back on the bed, her hands stretching over that curtain of hair. I just stare, drinking her in. I can’t get enough. “I should clean up.”
“Don’t get up.” I tear my gaze away, and head for the bathroom, getting the washcloth myself and wetting it down. Returning to the bed, I nudge her knees open, wiping her down.
I’ve never taken care of a woman like this but then again, she’d do far more for me and has. “What’s your place look like?”
She shrugs. “I’ve lived in Vegas for like two days, so that place has nothing but my suitcase. Back in New York, it was different.I’ve got no money, but I try to make my apartment cute. You know…”
I bet it’s as adorable as her. I’d like to see it.
I return to the bathroom to rinse out the cloth and by the time I come out, she is sound asleep with the lights on, her shirt still pulled up, her arms over her head.
“That’s right, baby girl. I wore you out.” I turn out the light, climb into my side of the bed and pull her close, snuggling her into my side. She burrows down in, her skin like silk against mine.
I’ve never wanted long term. I don’t know how to do relationships.
I barely have memories of my dad, what I know is that he left, and never came back. Never even sent a card.
It’s not that I don’t like women. My mom is the best person in the world. She raised me, Roman, and Arabella and never complained. Not a word.
Mason, he started making money and he sent Roman to college. Me, though, I wasn’t going to have Mason pay for that and not my mom either. She’d worked like a dog just to keep food on the table until Mason started helping her out.
Besides, I just would have failed out of school. I’m not good at much.
When Mason pulled me into the first casino he bought, I was grateful for the job. But now, thirteen years later, I’m wondering what I’ve really done.
Do I just draft off other people?
What do I really have to give? I’m not smart. I don’t make shit happen and I fuck up a lot. I’ve got money and looks, but even I know, that’s not what a woman really needs to make her happy.
I have no clue how to make a relationship work. I can’t even make my life work.
Maybe it’s because I didn’t have a dad around to show me how to do it on my own? Or maybe I take after him.
But either way…
I close my eyes wondering what’s gotten into me. I never think like this.
I should find Kate’s exit strategy, but I ‘m not sure I want to let her go. I’ll figure it out after I get Mason’s number.
My family’s got to come first.
The next morningwe’re pretty quiet as we get up, shower, and dress. The sex last night was… life changing.
I guess that’s the thing about bad boys. Damn, do they feel good.
I’m quiet because I’m trying to figure a few things out. Am I following right in my mom’s footsteps? Dating a man who is trouble?
And if he’s not that kind of guy, how interested is he in me? Am I just convenient?
But when I finish drying my hair and step out of the bathroom, I realize Luke has been quiet too.
And that starts the pit in my stomach.