The ambulance arrived, and Eli pulled up behind.

“I’m going to ride with him in the ambulance,” Chloe said.

“Okay. I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

“You don’t have to, Sebastian. I’m sure you have other things to do.”

“I don’t, and I want to.” I grabbed hold of her hand.

A small smile crossed her lips as she gave me a nod and climbed into the back of the ambulance.


As I was holding Willie’s hand, his eyes opened while the paramedics gave him an I.V.

“You’re going to be okay, Willie.” I smiled.

“I don’t think this time, kiddo.”

“Don’t say that. The doctors are going to make you feel better.”

Once we arrived at the hospital, Sebastian wasn’t too far behind as I was told to wait in the waiting room while the doctor examined him. I sat in the waiting room chair containing a young girl and her screaming baby. Sebastian sat beside me and handed me a cup of coffee.

“I thought you could use this.”

“Thanks.” I took the cup from him.

“Someone over there isn’t happy.” He smiled.

“Are you talking about the baby or the mother?”

“Both. How old do you think she is?”

“She looks to be about seventeen or eighteen. Here, hold this.” I handed him the cup and walked over to where the girl, who looked like she was going to lose it any second, sat. “Someone isn’t very happy.”

“No. She doesn’t feel well and she won’t stop crying. That would be great if she’d only stop for a minute.”

“May I?” I held out my arms to her.

The girl gave me a funny look and then looked over at Sebastian. “Do you think you can get her to stop?”

“I can give it a try.” I smiled. “What’s her name?”

“Aubrey. She’s four months old,” she said as she handed her baby to me.

I walked around the waiting room with her and began singing Tomorrow Is a Long Time in her ear as I held her up to my shoulder and softly rubbed her small back. After a few choruses, she began to quiet down and fell asleep. Walking her back over to her mom, I carefully handed Aubrey to her.

“How did you do that?” she asked.

“Babies can sense when you’re stressed out, which stresses them out. A little singing always works wonders.”

“Thank you so much. Thank you.” Tears filled her eyes.

“You’re welcome. Unfortunately, she’ll wake up again when they call you back.”

“That’s fine. Just a few moments of quiet are all I need right now.”

I gave her a small smile and went and sat down next to Sebastian.