Grabbing the cup from the machine, I sat in the chair, and he sat down next to me.

“Carter is in surgery right now with her. She has some internal bleeding.”

“I’m sorry, Jackson.” He placed his hand on my shoulder.

I leaned forward, placing my elbows on my knees while I took a sip of coffee.

“She was pregnant,” I spoke, staring straight ahead.


“They couldn’t find a heartbeat.”

“Gee. I’m sorry. She didn’t tell you?”

“She was going to when she got back from Montauk. I guess that’s where she was headed before the accident. Shit. I have a phone call to make.”

I pulled out my phone, called Katie, and told her to call Emily’s father. In an instant, she panicked and told me she was on her way.

I sat there in a daze, silently praying to God to let her be okay. A feeling of loss swept over me as I thought about our baby. A baby I didn’t even know about, and yet my heart ached for him.

Chapter Forty-One


Jules, Samuel, Katie, Alex, Evelyn, and I all sat and waited for some word about Emily’s condition.

“Jackson,” Carter spoke as he walked into the room and removed his scrub cap. “I stopped the bleeding, and now she’s in recovery. She’ll be sleeping for a few more hours, but you can go in and see her if you’d like.”

“So, she’s going to be okay?” I asked.

“As long as no other complications arise, she’ll be fine. She will be observed for the next twenty-four hours.”

“Thank you, Carter.”

“You’re welcome. She’s a fighter.” He smiled. “Come on. I’ll take you to her room.”

I stood inside the doorway and stared at her for a moment before going to her bedside. Her head was wrapped in a white bandage, her arm in a cast, and the wires that stuck out of her hospital gown were hooked up to machines that made a soft beeping noise. She looked fragile but at peace.

Walking over to her bedside, I lightly took hold of her hand and sat in the chair next to the bed. Leaning over, I placed my head on her arm.

“I’m here with you, Emily, and I’m never leaving your side again. We have so much to talk about, and I have so much to say to you. I almost lost you tonight, and that would have destroyed me because I never got to tell you that I love you and that I’m sorry for being such an asshole. I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me and never wanted to see me again, but at least I got the chance to tell you.”

“She doesn’t hate you, Jackson,” Katie softly said as she entered the room.

“Did you know about the baby?” I asked her.

“Yes. She just told me the other day, and she was going to tell you after she got herself sorted out in Montauk. You have to believe that she wouldn’t keep that from you.”

“I’m going to make it up to her.” I looked over at Katie.

“I’m sure she’ll like that. She never stopped loving you.”

All of a sudden, Katie began to cry. I got up from my seat and wrapped my arms around her.


“She could have died.”