Page 36 of Sunshine & Ink


And Sunni doesn’t give me another look, just walks past me toward the cop cars.


Raker (8 months later)

Eight goddamn months later the bribe comes through and I’m out.

And all I can think about is one thing.

Getting Sunni back.

By any means necessary.

I was constantly on edge in prison, not because anyone would dare to fuck with me, but because there’s no word from Sunni.

No visits. No calls. No letters.

I can’t stand not knowing where she is. Or if she’s safe. For once, my brain isn’t consumed by my club. Teacher is a good VP, I knew he would take care of the club while I was in jail.

He keeps me informed about what’s happening. But I don’t give a shit about what’s happening unless it relates to Sunni.

That day she left and she didn’t come back. Nobody knows where she’s gone.

Where thefuckcould she have gone?

And how come my men can’t find her?

Shit, the world is full of fucking assholes and danger, especially for someone sweet and bubbly like my girl.

AndI’mnot there to protect her.

For the first month I was in jail, I seethed with anger at Sunni.

She had no fuckingright

She wastoldwhat her duties were

If she really had said that to Elizabeth. . .

But as the weeks went on and there was still no word from her, and Data hadn’t been able to track her down. . .

I started not giving a shit about anything except getting her back.

Her loss was a raw open wound, like hooks dug deep in my flesh, ripping me apart.

Where was she?

And when my brothers came to pick up me up from jail?

All I could think about was finding Sunni.

Teacher and Builder were talking about who could have ratted me out to the feds as a way to send a shot across the Saints’ bow. Their leading theory is that the Righteous did it to try to renegotiate my marriage settlement, or the Souls did it because of our rivalry.

But I know exactly who did it and why.
