Page 101 of Trying Sophie

Chapter Twenty-Four

Sophie: Rich and ugly, or poor and good looking?

Declan: What about rich and good looking?

Sophie: Not an option.

Declan: I beg to differ since you just described me.

Declan: What about you? Beautiful and fat or skinny and ugly?

Sophie: I’m not answering that. No matter what I say it makes me look shallow.

Declan: But it’s okay for you to ask me?

Sophie: Yes. Because we both already know you’re shallow. Whereas you still think I’m sweetness and light.

Declan: Well, you’re certainly sweet. *smacks lips together*

Sophie: Oh my god. Do you ever *not* turn something into sexual innuendo?

Declan: Not if I can help it.

Sophie: Anyway, would you ratherhave a dog with a cat’s personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?

Declan: Can I choose neither?

Sophie: Nope.

Declan: Shit Sophie, I don’t have time for a pet.

Sophie: Shit Declan, I’m not saying you have to run out to the humane society today and pick one up. Just answer the damn question.

Declan: Alright, fine. A dog with a cat’s personality. Dogs can be fun but they’re too needy. Cats are super chill.

Sophie: Cats are pure evil.

Declan: You don’t like cats?

Sophie: Oh no, I love them. Their evilness is a point in their favor. No one messes with a cat.

Declan: I know I said these games of yours are stupid, but every so often you say something that gives me strange insight into who you are and I love it.

Declan: Okay, my turn. Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most intelligent?

Sophie: The most intelligent, no question. Lemme guess. You would choose the funniest?

Declan: No one likes a smart ass.

Sophie: You love my ass. ;-)

Declan: !!!

Sophie: Two can play at your game, mister.

Sophie: Would you rather have no taste buds or be color blind?

Declan: Not blind, blind? I just couldn’t see colors?