My lips twist. And people say I have no filter. Out of curiosity, I turn to see who he’s snapping at. I shouldn’t have looked. I should’ve just guessed who’d be hanging onto him like a leech.
“Finn, how many times have I told you that’s not an appropriate way to talk to me in public?”
“And how many times have I told you I don’t give a shit where we are? I’m going to be me and do and say what I want, regardless. If you have a problem with me, then feel free to find a more suitable companion to annoy.”
“I’m setting boundaries. That’s healthy in a relationship.” Eloise says, sounding like my shrink.
“So is pushing them. And by pushing, I mean through the tight ring in an ass, and massaging it from the inside with my dick until I blow.”
I stiffen when Finn leans into me. “How do you feel about that, Pet?”
Before I remember I’m supposed to be ignoring him, I say, “Boundaries are for children, bosses, school zones, highways, and houses. Why bring them into bed?”
His warm breath fans my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “My thoughts exactly.”
Eloise walks off muttering about common sluts, and I tamp down the urge to go after her. Her day is coming. I just need to find the perfect way to hit back at her. I’m next in line and step to the counter to place my food order and fix my drink. When I turn back to wait for my tray, Finn’s at his table with a tray already in front of him.
If he’d already ordered his food, why was he waiting in line? To annoy me? If so, that plan backfired because I was quite amused by the conversation he and Eloise were having. If anything, she’s the one who flounced off, annoyed.
Walking to my table, I’m relieved to see maintenance still hasn’t relocated the partition yet. I thought for sure they’d move it away, after the Lady Lions decorated it. I settle down at my table and plug my ears, letting my music distract me from the noise. As long as I can’t hear, I can pretend everyone’s ignoring me, and I can definitely ignore them. It works wonders and I get through my meal in peace.
Holden’s standing outside of The Rock when I exit. His buddies are nowhere to be seen. Seeing him alone puts me on high alert. He admits to having chased me that night, but it’s still unclear if the other Coxsuckers were with him.
I give him a wide berth. If I could walk backwards and keep an eye on him, I would. But I refuse to give him any hint that his presence unsettles me. He shifts, giving me more room to get by, but he’s basically blocking the door.
I don’t acknowledge him when he says, “Whenever you’re ready to talk about it, come find me.”
It’s obvious what he’s referring to. Were my thoughts written all over my face when I walked by? If so, it means I’m slipping and need to patch the cracks in my bitch mask. I just don’t know how to do it without my usual weapons to protect me. My confidence in my ability to fightandmy knife.
If I were the church type, I’d go to a service and pray for guidance. But I’m not. I believe there’s something greater than me out there, but I don’t think I have to sit in a building to touch base with it.
Maybe that’s the problem. I am whole heartedly a commune with nature kind of girl, and I haven’t done it. I haven’t even thought about visiting my stream and have been avoiding the woods all together, even when it’s a quicker way to get to class.
Maybe Holden chasing me through the woods that night would explain why. I don’t remember what happened, but my subconscious does. Which is why I know I won’t be going on any hunts. I can’t go into the woods. I hate that he’s ruined that for me.
I turn toward the parking lot. There’s another body of water. A bigger one, that isn’t tainted by the stink of that night. Going there means being near Van’s hotel, but I can deal with that.
There’s something calming about lying on top of this rock in the dark, staring down into nothingness. The fear coursing through my veins is the good kind. I’ve missedthis. The quietness of the night juxtaposed against the crashing sound of the waves, drowns out the noise in my head. How much more quiet will it be if I jump, letting the water swallow me whole? I inch forward on my belly a little more, just to get that feeling of free falling. I brace my hips and let go, letting my arms hang free. If I move just a little more… it’ll feel like flying. I do in small increments. My thighs are burning, holding my weight flush against the stone. I have to balance my weight just-so, or I’ll slip. My stomach flips and my heart gallops in my chest. I taste the distinct tang of fear on my tongue. This isit.This is the feeling. I close my eyes, letting my upper body hang forward.
A hand closes over my ankle. I kick out, screaming, as I’m dragged back away from the edge. The rock scrapes along my back as I’m rolled over.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Pax slams his hand on the ground by my head. “You are the most selfish bitch I’ve ever met.”
“Excuse me? I was minding my own business. If anyone’s ego is taking up space here, it’s you trying to be the center of everything. What are you even doing here?”
“I drove by and saw you climb the rock. I didn’t know you were gonna be so stupid. You think your life is hard? From where I sit, it looks like you upgraded.”
“Upgraded? It’s been nothing but a shit-show since I came here.”
“Oh, boo-fucking-hoo. You got caught lying, have mommy and daddy issues, and got hazed during Mayhem Night. Now you’re crying about it instead of owning up to your part, and pushing away the people who are trying to help you acclimate to the changes. But if you ask me, you don’t deserve their help. You don’t deserve the legacy title.”
“Their help? What help would that be? Do you mean when Finn kicked me out of his room after shoving a bottle in my cunt? Or the help Holden gave when he chased me through the woods and whatever else he did to me that night that he hasn’t confessed to yet? Is that the help you’re talking about?”
“Finn tried to apologize and you keep freezing him out, and Holden didn’t hurt you.”
“Were you there?”