Page 74 of Brutal Kingdom

“I may have kept everyone informed ofmostof the things I was doing behind the scenes, but Bella has always liked her secrets. She doesn’t trust me, so I’m not even sure if the things she does read me in on are even true.”

“Even more reason why I don’t want to get in the middle of your squabble.”

“Baby, I’ll protect you.”

“You just said you can’t protect yourself.”

“Bella has a special brand of punishment she’d inflict on me.”

“Oh, I’ve seen it. I was there at the crucible, remember? She was so gung-ho about torturing you with half-naked women. What would I even look like, being with you and knowing that could happen? Because she’d put you through it every weekend just to get back at me.”

“We wouldn’t tell her. We’d keep our relationship a secret. That’s how I’d protect us both.”

“A secret? So we’re back to you hiding me, under the disguise of protecting me, when we both know you’re only protecting yourself.”

“With what you’re doing, you don’t want Bella’s eyes on you, and you’re right, I would draw attention. So, for now, we have to keep things quiet. You do what you need to. I’ll be close to Bella trying to keep her distracted and looking into what’s she’s doing to counter your claim to the inheritance.”

“So you can use it and take back control?”

“Bella is the worst thing that ever happened to this school. In the span of four months, she’s broken bonds and business relationships I took years to build. Shehasto go.”

“And you’ll slide right back into your old position.” She sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes before turning her back on me. Walking away. “Like I said, keeping quiet benefitsyou.”

Jordanna pissed at me is the story of my life. I’m okay with her walking away with things unresolved between us. My new neighbor and I have plenty of time to make up.



“No way.” Kassidy says gawking at the building in front of us. “Did you write down the correct address?”

I hold up the tag attached to the key I’m holding. “Yes, this is what’s printed on the key tag.”

She reads it, and frowns. “You’re moving into the top floor of Kennedy Hall?”

“What’s wrong? Is it worse than the dungeon?”

“Oh, my clueless friend. When are you going to start learning about the history of the school?”

“After graduation, when it’ll be useless trivia.”

She leads me to the elevator and points to a box on the wall. “You have to scan your student ID to go up to the top level. Only people on your authorized guest list can get up there. Their access will be programmed to their ID like yours. Anybody else will have to wait for you to ride down to get them.” I place my badge against the black square panel and ride in silence, wondering what the big deal is, but happy for the extra layer of protection. Two times, that I know of, I’ve had people access my room without permission.

When we step into the hallway, I get a better idea of why Kassidy is acting the way she is. I’m wondering if there’s been another mix up.

“These are the sickest senior dorm rooms on campus. Most of the parents refuse to pay the money for us to live here.”

“The rooms aren’t included in the cost of room and board?”

“These domiciles require an extra ten grand per semester.”

I put the key in the lock, and turn until the tumbler slides out, then turn the knob, pushing the door open. What in the ever loving lap of luxury? “You have got to be kidding me.”

“Sick right?”

“No. I’m serious Kassidy. This has to be a joke. There’s no way this is where I’m living. I didn’t pay ten grand to stay here, and I didn’t even tell my mother I was moving dorms again. This isn’t right.”

She’s walks into the kitchen, pulling open the state-of-the-art refrigerator. The kind with the water and ice maker on the door, computer screen and smart technology. “It’s already stocked with waters and bubbly, and there’s a little welcome basket in here on the counter.”