“That, and because it was a fascinating story about the whose who in town before the boundary lines were reformed the first time around.”
First time? How many damn times did the landscape of New York change? I finish my coffee and she hands me a new card to review. I return to the room I was in, and start a new search, focusing on the society pages as she suggested.
Scrolling through more articles, I find one about Cole Elcor and Matthew Cloutier in their new business venture. The same design on the back of the compact is on the sign above their door. The two are standing side by side, smiling like the best of friends.
I fast forward through more clippings. Months later, the business is defunct. Elcor accused Cloutier of stealing from the business, and Cloutier accused Elcor of using his talent and skill for his own gain without contributing anything in return. Elcor travels south, while Cloutier stays local and continues fixing and repairing items. Finally, I find an announcement about the commissioning of a makeup case. There’s a hand drawn picture and it looks exactly like Peppers, but the customer isn’t named.
Something in the bottom corner of the screen catches my attention. I turn the dial until it’s front and center. I recognize the landmark in the background. It’s kind of hard not to, when I’ve driven past it two dozen times or so this year. The article talks about the start of the summer season and a delivery of materials that will be used in creating a new time piece for Kenneth Rutledge. That’s the name of one of the founding families of Kingsley Hollows.
I continue reading until I get to what I guess are the juiciest tidbits from the gossip pages. Broken engagements, bar brawls. Arrests and public notices about land disputes between Kenneth. Ruttledge and Bruce Shaw.
I flip through again. Ruttledge was accused of modifying property lines he shared with his neighbor. The plaintiff, Shaw, says the original land survey put the property at 4.5 acres, when purchased. Ruttledge attests the natural spring dividing the property line belongs to him.
Well, well, well. It looks like I was right, and the founding fathers of Kingsley Hollow were stealing land from the little guy, after all. I don’t find anymore information on Elcor, Cloutier or the makeup case, but at least now I know where the compact was made and by who. I’ll have to see if I can track down William’s family. Maybe they have records of a purchase order. I also put a note to check out the parcel of land Ruttledge was dealing with.
I check my messages on my way back to campus, hitting redial when I get closer, to return Noel’s call. “What’s up?” I say when the call connects.
“My dad’s having a get together tomorrow. There will be some people there, you should meet.”
Noel always invites me to meet his dad’s friends and contacts. I’ve gotten some great leads on jobs for the summer. I hesitate to say yes, because some of the missed calls and messages I have are from Logan, and I really need to check in with him. But, I also don’t want to miss out on this opportunity. Maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. Meet new people and boost Logan’s ego at the same time. This will also be a test to see just how ensured I have him in my trap.
“Thanks, I’ll be there.”
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve called Jordanna these last two days. She finally answers her phone, sounding like she’s out of breath.
Sitting on my bed, I say, “I was starting to think I needed to come to the dorms and see if you accidentally mixed your cleaning products together.”
“Awe how sweet. I didn’t. I’m still among the living.”
“You could be an artificial life form. Come over here and prove you’re real.”
She laughs, and I feel the tension easing from my shoulders. We’re still okay after what happened.
“I would, but I’m actually on my way out.”
“Yes, I’m having lunch at Noel’s.”
Huffing into the phone, I say, “This whole disappearing act is getting old Jordanna. When are we gonna spend time together?”
“I didn’t disappear. Something came up, and I had to leave campus unexpectedly.”
“Now you’re back and you’re telling me I can’t see you because you have plans.”
“It’s not plans, it’s lunch and I want to see you too, which is why I’m inviting you to come with me, so we can spend time together just like we both want.”
“At Noel’s? No thanks.” I want to spend time with her, but not with him around. I’ll catch up with her later on today or tomorrow.
“Logan,” she says, sweetly. “I know you two have some sort of history, but he’s not like you think. He’s my friend, and to quote you, if we’re together people are just going to have to deal with it. It’ll be fine. Trust me.”
She seems so convinced that things will be okay if I show up at the Hansen Estate with her. I know, what is more likely to happen is, we’ll get through an awkward few moments and then our issues will spill out before we’re done with the second course. “Jordy,” I groan. “I know you think I’m being unreasonable, but I’m not.”
“Logan, you were raised to mingle with the richest people in the world. Why are you so afraid of a casual lunch?”
I never told her what I did to Noel to get control of the school. I’m guessing he hasn’t either. Probably because it’s embarrassing and it would also mean dropping the fake ass nice guy routine he puts on around her.