Page 10 of Lacey's Warriors

Slowly, drawing strength from Chel through their bond, he steadied himself until his thoughts were once again a still, deep ocean within his mind, not a raging maelstrom. “As always, my brother, you are right.”

Chel stood and clasped Gwarnon’s shoulder, the small lines around his eyes deepening as he smiled. “She is incredibly beautiful, is she not? And fierce, like a Warrior Goddess from the old Kadothia sagas.”

“She is indeed.” He leaned his forehead onto Chel’s shoulder, letting his wounded soul soak up the love his brother easily offered through their bond. “I know you smelled her arousal, as did I, but do you think she found us attractive as well? You know more about the tastes of Earth women than I do, thanks to your bond with Lady Casey. Do they become easily aroused?”

Laughing softly, Chel nudged him in the direction of the cleaning chambers attached to the second-mate’s room. He felt bad that he’d forced his second-mate to bunk with the rest of the men, but space was at a premium on the small, sleek ship. It was built for speed and had been modified for comfort. If he had known they were going to host theiralyahon it, he would have brought his most luxurious cruiser, but that wasn’t what the Lord of Life had in mind.

As Gwarnon removed his disguise and washed up, Chel leaned against the wall with his head tipped back, his unfocused gaze on the ceiling. “From what I can tell, Earth women tend to find physically fit and healthy men attractive. Like most breeding species, they are driven by the biological impulse to look for the strongest mate to father their children. Other than that, it is difficult to say. Once, another Earth Matriarch was visiting Lady Casey and they were having ‘girl talk.’”

“What is that?” Gwarnon asked as he ran the special brush through his hair, removing the white dye.

“Female gossip.” Chel looked at him with a grin. “It is very informative, especially when the Matriarchs forget how good a Kadothian male can hear. I was on guard duty for Lady Casey that day, and I overheard much of their conversation.”

“Well,” Gwarnon looked up from undoing the fastenings on his tight red pants, “what did they say?”

Looking a little mystified, Chel said, “Much of it, I didn’t understand. They referred to Kadothian men as ‘eye candy’ and to the other Matriarch’s bondmates as DILFS.”

Gwarnon briefly closed his eyes as the cleansing powder coated his body, then was blown away by an intense wind. His black and bright blue streaked hair was a wild mass before another wind smoothed it out. Blinking a couple times, Gwarnon strode past Chel to their clothing. Now that the NevShoo knew who he really was, there was no point in dressing the part of a flamboyant smuggler.

A pang of worry hit him as he considered some of the possible repercussions of their involvement. Without a doubt, word would eventually reach Kadothia that two of their Warriors were involved in the Baladium—something strictly forbidden. It could get them, and Lacey, banished to exile on an isolated island on Kadothia, their Territory and people lost to them forever.

Chel got a sweet juice drink from the tiny kitchen area and sipped it before saying, “Are we going to tell the men?”

Gwarnon paused in the act of braiding his hair, relinquishing the task to Chel as he said, “I wish we had more time to court her in private, but I’m afraid the men would soon figure out what is happening. Plus, you know as well as I do, we have some of the best fighters in the Universe on our team, all personally trained by Lord Rell himself. We should tell them and ask for their help training Lacey. It will give them a chance to get to know each other. When our Matriarch begins building her court, she’ll need loyal men at her side. None are more loyal than the men on this ship.”

Chel blew out a slow breath. “How long do you think we have before someone lets something slip and the High Congress finds out?”

“I believe we’ll have at least a few days. The Baladium’s security is spectacular, the terms of the contest requires it.”

Chel handed Gwarnon the remaining half of his glass of juice, and he downed it quickly before saying, “We need to contact Lord Rell and Commander Trenzent to update them with the situation.”

Not looking forward to the conversation ahead, Gwarnon went to look for something more bracing than juice. “This should be fun.”

Chapter 3


Closing his eyes and praying, Chel asked the Lord of Life to give him patience and keep him from throttling both hisalyahand his blood brother.

They were arguing, again, instead of doing the training Lacey so desperately needed.

Gwarnon, Chel, and two members of their crew, Orushel and Maoru, sat on a bench behind Chel at the edge of the large packed dirt pit. At least it looked and felt like a pit. They were actually in the training arena on the NevShoo ship, in a simulation chamber whose effects were enhanced by the skintight suits they all wore. The chamber itself was massive, and the floor could drop or rise to simulate mountains or deep oceans.

They experienced every sensation they might experience as fought through various icy, hot, and windy simulations were transmitted through the suits, much to Lacey’s dismay. She called it her ‘piece of shit’ suit.

She might not like it, but Chel thoroughly enjoyed the sight of hisalyahin all that tight fabric. The soft blue suit clung to her every lightly muscled curve, accenting the round arch of her perfect rear end and her long, muscular legs. Legs Chel couldn’t wait to have wrapped around his waist as he surged into her, legs he wanted cradling around his face as he licked her to orgasm after orgasm, feasting on the sweet arousal he could smell even now.

For a moment, he smirked as he imagined Lacey’s reaction if she found out they were aware of her excitement, even when she tried to hide it. Looking at her, so composed and fierce, most would never guess the soft flesh between her legs was wet with need. As she snarled at Gwarnon, her eyes flashing with anger, she gave off the unmistakable scent of a woman in desperate need of a good release.

Orushel and Maoru had certainly noticed but were smart enough not to say anything. Lacy had a wicked temper and a determination that was second to none. His men had sparred with Lacey more than once, and they knew she was a good of fighter. Even without the full benefit of a working crystal implant and only with the primitive training she’d received on Earth, she was lethal.

At first, she’d held back, obviously pulling her blows and not following through with true kill shots. But once she’d learned that she couldn’t really hurt them during training—that the feel suits not only protected the wearer, but also produced sensations—she’d let loose on them all with a fury that was almost incandescent, it burned so hot. Chel knew sparring was an outlet for her, that she used it de-stress, and her attacks weren’t personal, but even he had to admit she was more than a little intimidating when the heat of battle flared red hot in her eyes.

He almost felt bad for her opponents in the Baladium.

He certainly felt bad for Gwarnon.

Lacey enjoyed verbally sparring as much as actual fighting. It must be a common trait among humans, because Roxy was equally verbal when the two women fought together. Chel had actually picked up quite a few human curse phrases watching the women battle through one simulation after another. ‘Trash talking,’ as they called it, actually seemed to be a sort of bonding between the women, one that he could understand. Warriors were often boastful and enjoyed cleverly insulting their opponents.