I open my eyes to find Luke in the same position as before. I’m comforted knowing he’s here with me, and I see him every time I open my eyes. I still feel tired and sore, and I would like to go home, where I can lie next to Luke. I’m told that I have been in and out for the past two days, and my parents have called. Luke lied to them, saying I was sick with a cold. I thanked him for that, knowing how my parents would worry. Now that I’m awake, I’ll give them a call.
“I love you,” I say to him. He smiles and kisses my forehead.
“I love you too. You scared me.”
“I know. I didn’t see it coming. I’ll be more careful next time.”
“We’ll talk more when we get home. For now, you rest, my love.” I nod. He kisses my hand. Then one of the hospital administrators walks in.
“Can we speak to you, Mr. Blythe?”
“Now isn’t a good time. My wife just woke up. I’ll stop by in a few.” Luke says, and I notice the disappointment on their faces as they leave.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m suing their asses for negligence in our loss and your pain.”
“Oh, Luke, please don’t do that.” He turns to me, shocked.
“Dele, you almost died because they were negligent. They knew about Giant Baby’s violence and did nothing to improve security.”
“I agree with you on the security part. Get them to increase it, but don’t sue them, please. Instead of a lawsuit, can you please push for Giant Baby to get the surgery he needs? Insurance won’t cover most of it, and he’s being raised by a single mother who can’t afford it.”
“Please, Luke. We don’t need the money, but it would be life-changing for Curtis. He probably didn’t even know he was attacking me. I don’t want him to lose his future or end up in prison.”
“He came with his mom to see you. I didn’t let him in.” I confess.
“He’s a good kid who really needs the surgery to help reduce his seizures. The meds aren’t helping, and the side effects are causing more problems for him.” I squeezed his hand. He sighs.
“Is this what you want?” He asked in a low voice.
“Yes, zero-cost surgery for Giant Baby and eight weeks of full pay, plus rest for me.” I smile.
“They were going to give you the time anyway, but I’ll push for the surgery for Giant Baby.”
“Thank you.”
“Stay here while I call Daniel.”
“I will be right here. I’m not going anywhere soon.”
Chapter 59
Dele is released from the hospital on doctor’s orders to take it easy. She has adhered to that thus far. Luckily, there are no exams on the horizon. Her instructors are informed of her medical situation, so she’s taking some classes online.
The hospital seemed relieved to offer zero-cost surgery for Giant Baby instead of a lawsuit. They tried to play games about covering what insurance wouldn’t, but I made it clear to them that I didn’t care what they did as long as Curtis—Giant Baby, as my wife calls him—got the surgery he needs, and it was at no cost to his mother. They agreed, and Daniel is now involved in making sure they don’t play games. Curtis’s surgery is scheduled for next week.
Osei has been coming over to visit Dele. He pretty much stays with her while I work. I still don’t trust leaving her alone. Paula is here as well, making sure Dele is well looked after.
Today, I had to stop at the office, and Dele calls me, excited when Osei shows up with ice cream for her. After talking to her, I call my annoying brother.
“I’m going to put you in a coma for bringing my wife ice cream.”