“Look who’s back and smiling,” he says. She manages to chuckle as I pull away from her.

“Hi, Osei,” she says to him.

“That’s my favorite girl,” he answers, pushing me away and hugging her, making me laugh. “You just had to put our O negative deal to the test.”

“Thank you, Osei,” she croaks with a smile.

I sit and hold her hand, signaling to Osei to get out. He kisses her hand. “I’m going home and will be back later, now that you are in safe hands,” he teases before leaving.

“Did I lose the baby?” her soft voice inquires, and I can see the hurt in her eyes.

“Yes, but what’s important is that you are alive and well. I thought I lost you when I saw all that blood.”

“I still have work to do on earth, not going anywhere soon.” I wipe the tears trickling down her face.

“Good. Rest now and I’ll be right here.”

“You can go home, and I’m certain that I’ll be right where you left me.”

“Very funny. Go to sleep. I’m not leaving.” A side smile graces her face as she closes her eyes, holding my hand. I know she doesn’t want me to leave, despite what she may say.

I don’t want to leave either. It’s like I can’t blink for fear I might lose her.

Chapter 57


I’ve been staying next to Dele. Much as the nurses and doctors would love to kick me out, they can’t. Daniel already served them the papers. I’ve had to step out a few times to speak with the administrator and tell them to speak with my lawyer each time they try to talk to me.

They are scared, as they should be, because my wife and child were perfectly fine, and they knew giant baby would go nuclear, but did nothing to protect her. A few of them are shocked to find out Dele is married, let alone to the man who donates millions to this hospital.

Dad can’t stay away; he comes in to see Dele and sit with her despite how much pain it causes him. He holds her hand for a while and tells the administrator he will withdraw his donations if they don’t take care of Dele. That certainly shocks them. Mom and Piah also come to see her, but Dele is sleeping through it all. Osei and I take shifts in staying at her bedside. Each timeshe opens her eyes, I’m right here. It comforts both of us, just knowing the other is there.

She stirs and squeezes my hand, and I return the squeeze. Then she mumbles, “I love you,” and goes back to sleep. I kiss her hand, then her forehead, overwhelmed with emotions.

I step out for a few minutes to get some air. She finally says it. I’m thrilled. I need to get her home, but the doctors are now extra cautious with her.

I return inside, and shock grips me when I see someone leaning over her in a position that seems off. I can’t see what the person is doing, but something about it is wrong.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing?!” I shout, and he pauses, likely not expecting me to return. He probably thought I’d left.

“I’m adjusting her bed,” the guy lies. I’m pretty sure that’s not what he was doing. My guess is, he was trying to kiss her. He turns, and my eyes widen when I see the fucking Dr. Beiz, the guy who wants my wife.

“Get the fuck out! You are not her doctor. I don’t want you anywhere near my wife,” I sternly state. I also do not want to shout and wake her up, much as I would love to punch his fucking face.

“Yes, I’m not her doctor, but I do work with her, and I only came to check on her.”

“She doesn’t need you checking on her,” I growl.

“Fine, my apologies.”

“Get the fuck out and don’t return. If you do, I’ll be sure to take your license.”

He doesn’t respond but leaves. He’s still after her; he needs to stop. I need to figure out his angle. I know Dele isn’t encouraging him, but his actions now tell me he’s going to keep pursuing her.

In anger, I take my seat next to Dele.

Chapter 58