“You didn’t google me to find out about me.”
“Why not?” I’m curious, though I like that she didn’t, because there are lots of pictures out there with me and several women.
“Osei told me everything I needed to know about you, and since I trust him, I decided not to google you. Isn’t he a reliable source?” The question hangs. I simply nodded. My fucking brother again. “Did he miss telling me something?” Her tone sounds skeptical.
“No, I’m sure he told you everything, but I still would prefer you get to know me without his opinion.”
“Okay, I will try to do that. So, how rich are you?” Her question surprises me. I smile.
“Let’s just say I have many zeros in my bank account.”
“Hmm, good for you.” Are you fucking kidding me? That’s all she has to say.
“Any plans to negotiate better now that you know?”
“No, I’m already getting what I need and want.” Dare I think, her want, is me?
“What’s that?” I ask. She turns my way, locking eyes with me, and the tension builds up—the honk behind us is loud, breaking our smoldering gaze.
“My legal papers and money. When this is over, I can start strong in London. Thank you.” I nod and grip the steering wheel tight. She doesn’t know it yet, but the mission I accepted is to make her fall in love with me.
“When are we meeting your dad, and what do I need to know to play my part and not mess things up for us?”
“Nothing, just be you. And if he asks any questions, just answer him truthfully. We’re meeting him tomorrow.”
“Thanks, I can do that. Osei told me he can be scary at times.” My grip gets tighter on the steering wheel.Fucking Osei again.
“Don’t believe everything Osei tells you. He sometimes exaggerates.”
“I hope he didn’t exaggerate about you.” I detect doubt in her tone. Now that has my attention.
“What did he tell you about me?”
“He said you are the best big brother; kindest, though you try to hide it; also annoying, grumpy, but still the best.” She says like she’d memorized it. I chuckle.
“You can believe everything but the grumpy.”
“Actually, that’s the one I truly believe. You’re always frowning or wearing a scowl on your face every time I see you.” If only you knew the reason for the scowl—because I couldn’t hold you or express my feelings.
“Let’s just say I’m done with my scowl phase,” I reply, and she smiles at me. Fuck, it feels good to have her smiling at me. I want to take her hand, but I know she’s not comfortable with me yet. I pull into the garage and put the car in park, and she’s out of the car fast. I quickly get out as well and meet her at the elevator. We ride in silence to our unit.
Once inside, she takes off her shoes. I’ve noticed she does that.
“Why do you always take off your shoes at the door?”
“It’s how I grew up. Plus, shoes that have roamed the street pick up germs. You shouldn’t wear them in your house. I work in a hospital. You don’t want shoes I wear in the hospital in your house, trust me.” Her ‘trust me’ is firm with wide eyes.
“Okay.” I take off my shoes as well and put them on the mat like she did.
“Thank you for that. What time are we meeting with your dad tomorrow?”
“Around two p.m.” I noticed a slight frown. “Do you have other arrangements?”
“Nothing important. Osei and I were going to see a movie. We can do that another day.”
“We can see my dad, and I’ll take you to the movies.”