Standing, Chaz clasps me to him, slapping one hand against my back. He releases me fast, and when I look into his eyes, I see my own pain mirrored.
“Queenie’s collateral damage,” he states. “She’s in even more danger than your woman. But I’ve got to take heart in the fact they can’t know who they’ve taken. My Queenie, my Helo, she’ll do all she can to survive and make sure both she and Jasmine get out alive. Ain’t no other outcome I can bear thinking about.” He pauses and glances at Shotgun as if he wants third-party confirmation. “From what I’m hearing, Jasmine isn’t going to simply fold. She’s going to fight with everything she’s got. We’ve got to have faith in our women and stay here until we’ve got better information and know exactly where to target our help.”
“Barclay’s private plane has just taken off. Flight plan filed says he’s coming to Dallas,” Mayhem, still on the phone, informs us.
Mex hollers, “Then let's get to the airfield and head him off.”
“Can’t do that,” Buzz patiently replies. “His men have already got Jasmine, and what are they likely to do without their boss?”
Rape her. If they haven’t already.
Mayhem’s voice again comes through the speaker. “I’m tracking him, remember? Once he’s landed and I’ve got a direction he’s headed, I can match that with the locations I’ve identified.”
It’s a plan. Raising my chin toward Chaz, I take my seat once more. Gut churning, I want to leap into action, but I have to accept I can’t do anything now. “How long until his plane lands?”
“Two hours,” Mayhem answers fast as if he’d predicted I would ask. “Then he’ll need time to get through the airport.”
“Keep us up to date.” I end the call, knowing there’s no point in Mayhem hanging around for the time Aster is in the air.
“Er,” someone tentatively starts. Raising my eyes, I see it’s Chaz’s enforcer who’s sounding unusually mild. “You think they’ve got any more food around here?”
“Good fuckin’ plan,” Madman says.
Closing my eyes, I try hard to pull myself back into my president’s shoes. I might be Jasmine’s man, even if she doesn’t yet understand, but rant and rave as much as I like, I’ve got to be patient. An army fights on its stomach, so fuelling our bodies is a good idea. Not that I, personally, think I can force anything down.
Madman slips out and manages to find Samba, who gets their prospects in line. Soon, the table is covered in a choice of bacon or burger sandwiches, pots of coffee and cups abound,along with a selection of beer bottles, but most of us opt for caffeine, wanting to keep sharp heads about us.
Rather than staying seated, like others, I stand. Shotgun’s propped himself against the wall, and I pace around. After a moment, he pushes away and comes to stand by my side.
“Not eating anything, Prez?” He glances at the lone cup of coffee in my otherwise empty hands.
I let him in on what’s going around my head. “If we hadn’t gotten our wires crossed…” I swallow and start again. “I only meant to show her my prior commitment. I didn’t mean to chase her away.”
“Fuck that.” He glares at me. “Don’t put this all upon yourself, Prez. You got some kind of God complex? You think everything’s your fault? You’ve taken the guilt of Anna’s condition all on your head when there was no proof to substantiate it. You’re not responsible or in control of everything Fate deals out. Anna could have always had her illness waiting in the background, and as for Jasmine? She’d have attended this signing whether she was with the Soulz or not. Barclay would still have been able to find her.” Pausing, he beckons Buzz over. “Knock some sense into him, will you?”
I’d like to avoid Buzz’s meaty fists and look down suspiciously, primed to react if there’s any sign he’s taking the VP’s words literally.
But as Shotgun walks away, my sergeant-at-arms just looks at me sadly. “What happened to Anna wasn’t your fault. It might have been nothing to do with the bike accident. If it was an injury, she might have been dropped on her head as a baby, for all that you know. At the end of the day, it was more likely the bad luck of the draw that she had some faulty genetics. And Jasmine? Well, she should have trusted us.” He shrugs and harrumphs. “Maybe not from the start when she first came to us, but once you laid claim to her…” he waves me down as I openmy mouth to refute I ever did that. “Sure, you didn’t come out and say it, but making her off-limits to anyone else? Sure sent a strong message. We treated her like a sister. That day? When she left the club? We all begged her to stay.”
“Why did she leave when she knew she had trouble waiting for her?”
Buzz sighs heavily. “She’s the only one who can answer that. But my best guess is, after three years, reckon she thought, or hoped, she’d be safe, and…” he reminds me. “It wasn’t exactly easy to find her.”
Nodding slowly, I have to admit she was right. If it hadn’t been for her books, for this damn signing, neither I nor Aster would ever have been able to find her. Much as I want the feel of her in my arms again, I’d give that up in a moment if it meant no one else could touch her.
Now all I can do is wait. I take out my phone and check the time again. It’s still another sixty minutes until Aster’s plane will land. As soon as he does, Mayhem will again be able to start tracking.
I visit the heads, not out of necessity, but to ensure I’m ready to ride and nothing will cause any delay. I notice several brothers have left the room, and from the coming and going of engine sounds outside, decide that, sensibly, they’re topping off their bikes. I’d had to get gas shortly before I arrived, so that’s one task that’s already done and dusted.
I take out my gun, check both the weapon itself and the ammunition I carry, and then do the same to the spare in my ankle holster. Around me, brothers who ride with me, and those who are with Chaz, are also making sure they’re prepared. The coffee has gone, and most of the beers remain. Every man is taking this seriously.
Legend whoops. “Mayhem’s got the location. Aster’s definitely headed in the location of one of the premises Mayhempreviously identified.” He raises his eyes and focuses on Chaz. “We’ve got this, Prez.”
Data, acknowledging me, confirms, “I’m sending the location to all your phones now.”
“Brothers!” I holler, thumping my fist down. “We go in quiet. We don’t know what we’re facing, how many, or who might be there. Wet work if possible, bullets the last resort, and… Barclay Aster is fuckin’ mine.”
Chaz is staring at a laptop Legend’s turned toward him. “Main entrance, two exits. No idea where the women are being held.” He glances at me, and while he makes a statement, his brows rise, making it a question. “Strider leads half his men and takes the main entrance. I’ll go in with mine and the exit here at the back.”