Page 44 of Fire Meets Fire

Turning swiftly, I shoot him a look that would have made any member of my crew stand down. He interprets it correctly, but doesn’t look happy about it.

Swinging back to Slugger, I breathe in air and let it out on a sigh. “When you’re done showing me what a big dick you are, maybe we can get down to discussing business?” My stance lets him know I’m not buying what he’s trying to put down.

“Oooh, I like her.” The biker with the red hair sighs.

Like everyone, I ignore him. Deciding to take charge, I cast my eyes around until they land on Legend. “You,” I say sharply, pointing his way. “Get yourself on the dark web and let them know you know where I am, and that you’re willing to trade.”

Their computer guy almost snaps to attention at my tone, but after a split second considering my request, shakes his head. “Someone’s already been assigned the contract to find you and take you down.”

But not them, I surmise.“Who?”

The man who could do with some lessons in personal hygiene literally spits out, “Fuckin’ Dominators.”

Fascinated, my eyes follow the globule of saliva as it lands on the ground. The gesture showing me just what they think of the group that have stepped in to find, then trade me for cash. I’ve heard of them, of course. Rivals to the Wretched Soulz MC. Rumours are they’re just as bad as each other.

Chaz makes a startled sound, then calls out, “Fuckin’ figures. Slugger, man, we’re not in the skin trade?—”

Again, I wave him down, and again turn back to Legend, wondering how he could find that out. And, if he’s got that knowledge, does he know more? “You know who’s behind putting a price on my head?”

Again, his head moves side to side. “No.”

I like a man who doesn’t waste words even though I might not like his answer. Frowning, I change my instruction. “Make contact and tell them you’ve got me. A bird in hand, etc.” All these Dominators have is a wide network to keep an eye out for me. But wide it certainly is. They’ve got chapters in all of the US.

I hear Chaz roaring again, and take the couple of steps to put me in front of him. “You trust me, Chaz?” It’s a strange thing to ask as half the short time I’ve known this man I’ve been fighting against him. Why should he put his faith in me when I haven’t demonstrated I’ve the same in him?

“I trust you,” he blurts out, then raising his chin and circling his head, he adds, “But I don’t trust them.” At the hisses sounding all around me, an expression forms on Chaz’s face that makes even me want to take a step back. “I did,” he states, addressing his brothers. “But I can’t believe you’d put new bikes in front of a human’s life.”

A couple of men step forward, their hands on their guns, while others look like their prez has gone totally mad.

The funny thing is, I seem to be better able to get a handle on the mood in the room, and I trust the men who it seems Chaz now doesn’t. He’s been blindsided by their arrival, still focused on the words he’d overheard to make him escape with me, and, for some unfathomable reason, fully consumed by his desire to protect me.

“It’s your fault.” I point my finger firmly at Slugger who’s come up to stand right in front of Chaz, hands clenched at his sides. Pushing my way in between the two men, I again use my commander’s voice. “Now enough of this. We’ve got planning to do.” Having made sure they’re not coming to blows, I turn my back on them both and seek out another man. “Legend? You going to make that contact?”

“Helo!” Chaz roars. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Multiple pairs of eyes come my way, and brows are raised in interest waiting for my response. I shrug. “Well, with the help of the Wretched Soulz, I’m going to get rid of whoever’s after me once and for all, and ensure the club will end up two million richer.”

“Well, fuck. Now that’s what I’m talking about,” the man with the long beard calls out.



At first, I didn’t hear Helo’s suggestion. I was too torn up asking myselfwhat were those words that had just come out of my mouth?Had I really said I trusted a woman I’d only just met more than the brothers I’d ridden with for years? In hindsight, it was a terrible thing to say, and I’m not sure when, or even if, my brothers will ever forgive me.

But as Helo starts to explain her plan, her words begin to filter in. I feel Claw’s hold on me relax as he, and everyone else, become impressed with not only what she’s saying, but her confident delivery. She’s obviously got some bold ideas which, while I’d admire them coming from anyone else, I’m scared to death of her putting herself in danger. What she’s proposing is risky with several huge fucking holes which we’d need to smooth out. But as she continues speaking, my brothers are entranced, and start making themselves comfortable—some sitting on the couch, some on the table that groans under their combined weight, and the others propping themselves against walls or sitting cross-legged on the floor. All seem completely engrossed as they listen to the woman speaking. Even Slugger is hearing her out without making a comment.

It's not often someone of the female sex can enthrall the members of an all-male MC. I can sense the mood in the house is one of respect, and I can’t help but feel pride in her, though her words fill me with dread. Helo’s not asking for help. She’s determined to carry out the key role herself, standing right there on the firing line for, I admit, the not inconsiderable benefit of being able to go on with her life. She’d obviously given some thought to this. While she hadn’t been able to face her enemies head-on alone, with the Wretched Soulz behind her, she could take them on. The only part where my brothers were dubious was when she explained that she couldn’t afford to engage our services for payment. But it was Beard who pointed out, if all went well, we’d be richer by two million dollars.

Only Legit points out they could fill their coffers easier by simply turning her in, but he was only voicing the obvious. At least the dismissive waves and a couple of voiced protestations show me, even if he had been serious, he wouldn’t have gotten much support.

My pride, a moment ago vested in Helo, now switches to my brothers. We’re in an MC, we live life on the edge, and if there’s a chance to stick our finger up to the man, we’ll take it. Handing her over would be too simple, too much like a citizen turning a criminal into the law. By doing this Helo’s way, we get action and fulfilment as well as the reward.

Helo’s stopped talking, and is now taking questions, and it seems whatever they throw at her, she’s got answers. Eventually Claw gets caught up in the discussion and he’s not even pretending to hold me anymore.

“How do you know this will work?” I move forward as soon as his arms drop away. “Helo, there’s a shit load of things that could go wrong.”

She turns thoughtful eyes on me. “What’s the alternative? If I leave here today, I’m worse off than I’ve ever been. Up tonow I thought perhaps I had one, maybe a couple of people trying to find me, now I know it’s the whole membership of the Dominators. Their wide reach means they’re bound, sooner or later, to catch up with me. This is the only way I’ll ever be free from my past.”