‘Don’t worry, you’ll meet him soon,’ Aaron replies, sipping on his tropical fruit juice. ‘Once I saw Rafa, I knew he was the man for me. And guess what, that turned out pretty, pretty good!’
I smile in response to Aaron. It’s so good to see him happy with Rafa, and I’m sure I’ll have that moment one day – I just hope it’s sooner rather than later.
‘So what’s up with the house build?’ Aaron says, taking a bite of his sandwich.
‘All good,’ I reply. ‘Well, kinda.’
‘Kinda? Sounds like there’s a but coming, and I don’t mean your bubble butt either!’ Aaron says, laughing.
‘It’s my neighbor, Christopher Snoot,’ I say, grimacing. ‘He’s being so stuck up about my plans. Apparently, he thinks that my new house is going be some oversized monstrosity that will lower the tone of the neighborhood. It really won’t be that at all, but I think he just doesn’t like me and is determined to try and do anything he can to stop it happening.’
‘Urgh, what a grump,’ Aaron replies. ‘But he can’t stop the build, right?’
‘He can make a complaint to the planning department,’ I reply. ‘I can throw money at lawyers to make sure I win, but I really don’t want bad blood with my neighbor. I just want to live a happy life in a nice new forever home.’
‘A forever home with… a Forever Daddy?’ Aaron says, a twinkle in his eye. ‘And if that Daddy is a young, strong stud with a cock of steel, that’s all the better, right?’
The two of us burst into laughter.
Having a friend like Aaron is so rewarding. And even though we don’t always get to hangout because he lives in the city, I truly relish his visits to me and my trips to see him.
That being said, I think it’s time to get back to work.
Oh, and my diaper feels pretty full as a result of all the tropical juice I’ve been sipping. I think it’s time for a change – I don’t want to be hitting the streets with a heavy diaper sagging down to the sidewalk!
The rest of the day at The Little Petal went as most days do – super-busy and with me ready to collapse into an exhausted heap by 6:00PM!
But I love it!
Now I’m back at home and ready to relax all the way through until bedtime.
The only question is… who left this note under my door?
There’s only one way to find out…
Dear Nick, I see from the online planning portal that you have submitted revised plans for your so-called ‘new build home.’ I wish to confirm again that I WILL be objecting with all of myenergy. Furthermore, please can you ensure that you keep the volume of your monstrous music down to a decent level. I could barely hear myself think yesterday! Rap music? More like Crap music... Your neighbor, Christopher.
OMG, is this guy for real?
I mean, seriously, he must be joking. The thing is, I do sometimes play my music a little bit on the louder side. But that’s only because I’m enjoying it so much. And I never play it too late, or at any anti-social times.
The weird thing that Christopher doesn’t get is that in my new, bigger house the soundproofing will be so much better. I’ve tried to explain this to him but it’s like he just doesn’t want to listen…
I don’t have time for this right now. I’ve had a hard day making bouquets for my wonderful client base and now it’s all about getting some qualitymetime.
Oh, and not forgetting my partner in crime, Rosie.
‘Where are you pup?’ I say, walking back from the front door and into the kitchen. ‘Ah, there you are my fantastic friend!’
Rosie is the cutest, squishiest little red dog in the whole world.
She also happens to be my favorite stuffie of all time – and I’m not even joking when I say that I value Rosie at a billion times more than the several million dollars I earned as an investment banker.
Rosie has always been there for me, and I simply can’t imagine a world without her.
‘Okay, Rosie, let’s crack open a bottle of wine and check out some of these young Daddies,’ I giggle, opening the refrigerator and taking out a chilled bottle of white wine I brought back from a vacation in France. ‘I know I might be wishing on a star here, but I seriously could do with finding someone special soon.’