As far as I’m concerned, this is going to be the best God damn house – not just on this block, but in the whole fucking town.

‘That’s it, over here, over here, down!’ I call out, guiding Kyle and Taylor as they move some timber from one corner of the site to the other. ‘Good work guys, let’s take a minute.’

‘Awww, someone wants to message his baby boy!’ Kyle roars, shaking with laughter.

‘Bro, how do you fancy going back to working on a commercial construction site?’ I bite back, not impressed.

But I can’t stay mad for long.

And the thing is – Kyle’s right!

I do in fact want to send Nick a message. I know he’ll be busy at work, so instead of calling I definitely think a message is the way to go. That way, if he’s ass deep in roses or tulips he can keep on working and get back to me when he has a moment.

Baby boy… I hope you are having a brilliant day. All good here, we’re moving the timber to make space for the heavy steel order we have coming in. And yeah – we ARE all topless! It’s hot as hell here and if I can tan while I work, I’m going to do it! Catch you later, Daddy XoXo.

Yay! I was just about to message you but thought you would be too busy. I’ve been buzzing around like the busiest bee in the hive all day. Honestly, the customers haven’t stopped coming in. I’ve taken more orders than I can ever remember taking… well, apart from when it’s you dishing them out to me hehe! I can’t wait to see you later, Daddy. Nick XoXoXoXoXo

Damn, this boy’s a beautiful soul. I know it might sound corny, but I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like him – no, that’s not true at all, IknowI haven’t met anyone even close to him in the cuteness stakes.

But if I think I can stand here daydreaming and being all slushy, I might just have to think again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Nick’s dreaded next door neighbor peering over the boundary wall – and it looks like he’s got something to say…

‘You! Yes, you!’ Christopher Snoot shouts, his squawking voice making both Kyle and Taylor chuckle.

‘How can I help you?’ I say, walking over toward him, keen to at least attempt a civil dialogue.

As I approach Christopher, I can tell that he’s not in the mood to be making small talk.

His silver hair is blowing in the breeze and flapping across his face, apparently causing him a fair degree of irritation.

‘Hey,’ I say, standing on the opposite side of the boundary and offering my hand. ‘Okay, I guess not.’

I shake my head and stare at Snoot.

It’s never a good sign when a man refuses your offer of an introductory handshake, and it becomes immediately clear to me that this is never going to be a love connection.

‘You and your… men… are making too much noise!’ Snoot snaps, his grey-yellow eyes unblinking with rage.

‘Sir, this is a construction site,’ I say, trying to keep an even tone. ‘There’s going to be noise. We made sure not to start tooearly, and you can rest assured we’ll be done by four thirty at the latest.’

‘But…urgh… I’m trying to work!’ Snoot snaps back. ‘How am I supposed to focus when you lumbering brutes are crashing around?’

This guy isnotgoing to be an easy neighbor.

The reality of building work is that it’s noisy – and Snoot clearly understands this, he just wants to cause some shit.

‘Okay, well might I suggest some ear plugs?’ I say, losing my cool. ‘And maybe perhaps you could also remove that giant stick from inside your ass?’

‘Aargh!’ Snoot says, shaking his head in fury. ‘You might think you’re funny now but believe me when I say that this isnotover!’

‘Have a good day, Snooty!’ I reply, shaking my head and walking back to the guys who are by now rolling on the floor in laughter.

‘Andthatis why I’m glad that I’m not the boss,’ Taylor says, barely able to speak from laughing so hard.

‘Another iced latte?’ I say, rolling my eyes. ‘Come on, let’s do that asshole a favor and walk to the coffee shop this time. Hell, we might even finish at 4:29 this afternoon too!’

Laughing, the three of us walk off site to get our caffeine hit.