That was not helping with Mac’s already hard dick, either. He was trying to be good here! Why was Hayley tempting him?
“You know me?” Is that what Hayley had said? Mac was losing his train of thought. He didn’t know where to put his hands. Mac knew where he wanted to put them, but it was too soon. Right? He shook his head.
“Put your hands on me,” Hayley demanded. He even grabbed Mac’s hands and placed them on his own ass.
Oh God. Mac was finally getting to touch Hayley’s tight round butt.
“That’s better.” Hayley patted Mac’s chest. “And to answer your question, yes, I think I know you. Or enough about you that I feel comfortable in saying that you would put my needs before your own. You’d do something to make me happy even if it made you miserable. I don’t want that. In fact, you promise me right here and right now that you won’t do that.”
Had he mentioned his boy was bossy? Very bossy.
“Mac.” Hayley even gave him a cute little growl. It sounded like Socks when the babykitten pounced on her play mouse.
“I will try my best to always do what will make us both happy,” Mac said instead of outright promising. He didn’t want to lie to his boy. This was his second chance at a life. He might be choosy with what information he did share, but Mac hoped to not lie.
“I’ll accept that answer for now,” Hayley responded. “Now feed me before my soup gets cold.”
“I can warm it up,” Mac offered. Maybe some distance would be good. His mind was whirling.
“Let’s try what you brought me first.” Hayley wiggled around so his back was against the arm of the couch and his legs were stretched out.
“Okay.” Mac reached for the bowl. This should be interesting.
Hayley yawned, knowing he wouldn’t be able to stay awake much longer, and dropped his head back to peer up at Mac. After Mac had fed him, they’d gotten out the treats for the kittens, and he’d finally gotten to see Socks, who did indeed look like she was wearing white socks. Then they’d settled in to finish their movie. It had been the perfect evening. But the events of the day and his pain meds were catching up with him.
Although he could stay in Mac’s arms all night long.
Mac who was so into theStar Warsmovie playing that he hadn’t noticed Hayley was staring at him.
He couldn’t hold back another yawn, though.
“You okay?” Mac grabbed the remote and paused the movie.
“We can finish the movie tomorrow. How about I tuck you into bed?”
Hayley glanced down at the borrowed hospital scrubs shirt. “I suppose it would be too difficult to shower, huh?”
“I had some ideas about that earlier,” Mac responded. “I’d say we might have to wait on a shower, but what about a bath?”
“A bath?” That sounded awesome. Hayley wanted to ask… Mac had been the one who had brought up being his Daddy. They hadn’t committed to anything yet, but maybe this would be a good trial. “With bubbles?”
“Is there any other kind of bath? Of course with bubbles.” Mac’s smile transformed his face. He was so open and warm right then.
Hayley grinned. He should have known. “I’d really like that.”
“I put the Saran wrap and tape upstairs already. Come on.” Mac helped Hayley stand before he folded up the blanket…which left Hayley in just the shirt and his briefs.
Mac held out his hand. “Come on, my sexy little man. I think you’ll feel much better after a bath.”
Grabbing hold of Mac’s hand, Hayley tugged him toward the stairs. “Lots of bubbles,” he said. “Like where they go all the way to my chin.” He was going to get a bubble bath by a man who wanted to be his Daddy. His very own Daddy. How was this even happening right now?
“We’ll see,” Mac responded, obviously finding him adorable, since he was also laughing. And Hayleywasadorable, even if he said so himself.