It was so great that Mac wasn’t playing games. Refreshing. Hayley had dated a few times since he’d moved there, but nothing really serious and never anything that he felt would last. No one that he could see himself letting his guard down with.
No one he’d seen as a Daddy.
The Doms he’d met, both in person and online, didn’t know what to do with him. The fact that Hayley knew exactly what he wanted threw them off. They expected since he had no practical experience that they’d be able to lead him to what they desired. Hayley might not have a Daddy yet but he was still a boy. He knew what he liked. Hayley just needed a Daddy who accepted him just the way he was.
Hayley gazed at Mac as Mac glanced around the deli.
Would Mac accept Hayley once he knew about Hayley’s desire to be alittle? He seemed to be pretty open-minded, but being a Daddy to alittlewasn’t something most men thought about. There was a chance that Mac might think he was weird.
Knowing he’d have to explain his desires to Mac eventually made him nervous. He kept telling himself that if his partner couldn’t accept him as he came, then he didn’t deserve him. It was easy to say, though.
He wanted to get to know Mac better, but was that fair?
Hayley needed to tell Mac. Maybe after their date. That way Hayley would have one good date in case Mac thought he was a weirdo and disappeared on him.
That was exactly what he would do. Tell Mac after their date.
After Mac slipped money under the register, he led Hayley out of the deli. They walked toward the park hand-in-hand, enjoying the sunny day, Hayley chatting happily. Mac didn’t say much. He never did. Just enjoyed the sound of Hayley’s voice.
Mac wanted to ask Hayley if he could push him on the swings or something once they reached the park. He wasn’t sure how Hayley would take that, though.
Hayley would make the best boy.
No one, not even Mitch, knew how long Mac had actually been watching Hayley.
He’d seen Hayley the day he’d driven into town to check out the place would be his home. The buddy who had sent him information on the town had thought it would fit Mac’s needs perfectly. How right that call had been, Mac was still shocked by.
Driving down Main Street, Mac had parked to do some recon on foot.
Hayley had just stepped out of his shop.
It was the smile on Hayley’s face that Mac couldn’t take his gaze from. Mac had never met anyone as genuinely happy as Hayley. He’d been cute as a button in a bright yellow shirt under black overall shorts. The outfit had seemed strange at first, but the longer Mac had stared at the boy, the more intrigued he’d become.
He’d watched Hayley for weeks before Grant had caught his attention.
The drugs on the street had led to several young men Hayley’s age dying horrific deaths. Hayley wasn’t involved with that crowd, but Mac had made it his mission to rid the city the evil waste to protect boys like Hayley.
Researching the detective, Grant, had brought to Mac’s attention the life that Grant and his friends led. He’d learned about Daddies and their boys. He’d been more than intrigued and started picturing Hayley belonging to him in that way.
Hayley was just a natural boy to Mac.
Fate had a funny way of fucking with Mac, though. Just as he’d started to get close to Hayley, Caleb had wandered into Hayley’s shop and they’d become friends. Mac’s two worlds collided.
Caleb, Mitch, Avery, and their Daddies knew the truth about Mac. Knew what he’d spent his life doing. And they were friends with the boy he wanted to claim.
It was a complication that Mac hadn’t figured out what to do about.
Hayley could never know what kind of monster Mac was.
Now their lives were intertwined even more, Mac cared about Mitch and the other boys.
Having feelings for the first time in his adult life was screwing with his head. Still, he must be doing something right since he was on a date with Hayley.
If he had time, he’d call Mitch and freak out a little bit. No time for that, though. Mac needed to think of all the ways he could impress the boy.
Mac knew that with his protectiveness and natural dominance, he could care for Hayley. Could give Hayley all he would ever need. Mac had money, time, and all the resources in the world to offer his boy. Hayley obviously loved his shop. It was apparent in the way he spoke of it and how lovingly he tended to the customers. Hayley listened and advised, never turning anyone away. Maybe Mac could help him expand.