Mitch bobbed his head. He’d always wanted to try a pacifier, especially seeing how much Avery loved them. Avery had almost a dozen all in different colors and designs.
“And…” Byron pulled out another package. “A clip that will hold it to your shirt so you don’t drop it like Avery.”
Mitch grinned. “Avery needs one.”
“Jace has tried. For some reason, Avery keeps losing the clip somewhere and Jace can never find them. Jace thinks Avery just likes getting to switch his binkies out.”
“That’s silly,” Mitch said still watching as Byron opened the package. “Jace wouldn’t care.”
“I know. Avery will figure it out. Right now, I think Jace enjoys the game of Averylosingthem all the time.” Byron smiled at him.
“Can we…”
“What is it, sweetie?”
“Avery has binkies,” Mitch said. “Maybe… paci?”
“You want to call it a paci?”
Mitch nodded.
“Paci it is.”
Mitch grinned. Was there something just above a little? He wasn’t sure. He’d been going to the club for years but there were so many different types of boys. God, now his head hurt. He was so tired of thinking.
“Do you need to take care of any personal needs before we get you dressed?”
“Yes,” Mitch answered. He’d had a lot of coffee.
“Why don’t you do that while I wash this off. I don’t want you tasting plastic.”
That was thoughtful. And a complete Daddy thing. “Sure.” Mitch shuffled into his bedroom and the adjoining bathroom. He kicked off his shoes and socks before going into the bathroom where he peed and washed his hands.
He peered at the closed bathroom door. Once he opened it, he’d be giving all control over to Byron. Just like he’d always wanted. In his own condo, Mitch was going to get what he’d been dreaming about.
Byron knocked on the door. He must have been taking longer than he thought. “You okay?”
“Yes,” Mitch called. Still, he couldn’t move.
“Are you done?”
There was a pause. “Can I come in?”
The door opened slowly as Mitch just stood there in the middle of the bathroom staring at Byron.
“You okay?” Byron asked gently.
“I need…help,” Mitch admitted. It was probably the hardest words he ever spoke.
“Good boy,” Byron said stepping close. “It’s not easy but you are being so brave. Thank you for trusting me.”
Mitch nodded.
Byron held up the pacifier. “Open up.”